Começar do início

Almost chocking on my saliva, I react by saying:

"What are you even talk-"

"I'll prove you and your stupid friends have something to do with his death, and then you'll finally go down and spend the rest of your life in jail" Katie angrily says, before walking away, knowing that she's won this round, and probably a few others.

As soon as she's out of my sight, I burst into tears, grabbing my phone and typing a text to the unknown number I received a message from the other day:



Katie McCabe

Katie McCabe

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.



"Well, I did not expect you to change your mind so early, in complete honesty"

Of course she has to say something bitchy right away, I think to myself, trying to contain the bitchy response I had imagined.

Instead, I soften it down and only say:

"In complete honesty, I still think you're a bitch with no journalistic talent whatsoever, but if working with you is the only way the poor guy on the beach will receive any coverage at all, then I can rise above the fact that we will never have any common ground."

This makes the Swede smirk, as she takes a small evidence bag out of her pocket: it's the key she had found near the crime scene. I know her eyes are defiant, but I try to remain calm and collected.

Smiling because she knows she has won this round, Frida declares:

"The we should get right to it: this key's a 1856 model, and given to that old guy I came across earlier today, only one lock is that old...."

"The church's" I say, setting my jaw.

Well, shit, I think to myself, knowing very well that the small church of Saint Ives' had been closed to public ever since I was born, and it was strictly forbidden to even lay a foot inside of its walls. 

Frowning, quite surprised that I'd know that already, the blonde asks:

"Yes... How did you know that?"

"I lived here until I turned 17, so I know quite a few things" I sassily let out, rolling my eyes at her. As she stares at me weirdly, I suddenly understand that she's been playing me, so I add: "But you knew that already, didn't you? That's why you insisted to work with me."

After sending me a content smile, she just says:

"You're not as dumb as you look, Engen. Let's go."

THE VELVET KILLERSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora