Chapter 11: Fall... and Rise

Start from the beginning

Over the course of three months, the people of Perseverance have learned to adapt to their new home... and the death of their loved leader. But with the death of one leader... came the rise of another.

It was an early, cold morning. And John was currently wandering around the Aviary with Aura by his side, his hands in his jacket pockets as they enjoyed their usual morning walk.

He smiled and waved at a few furs that they passed, happy that most of them have come to like him by now.

"This place isn't so bad, right girl?" He asked cheerfully, reaching down to rub Aura's ears.

Aura, who was now much larger than three months ago, barked quietly in response to him.

Deciding that they've walked long enough, John began heading back to their place of residence within the Aviary, but due to the sudden rise in numbers at the Aviary, Skye had to think of alternatives to house all of the newcomers. Her solution was to expand the walls and set hundreds of large, oval shaped canvas tents in the open area that it created, where most of the furs now lived comfortably.

John and Aura made their way through the maze of tents until they finally arrived to the one assigned to them.

As usual, Aura layed down outside of the tent while John stepped inside, smiling to the sight of Mia braiding Ren's hair while sitting on their bed roll, both of them in nothing but their bra and panties.

"Hey John." Ren greeted with a smile, staying still as Mia worked on her hair.

"Hey." He responded with a chuckle, noticing that Sammy's bedroll was empty. "Huh... where's the kid?" He asked curiously.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Out and about with his friends, as usual." She said with a giggle. "Gives us some alone time~" she suggested.

John chuckled slightly as he took off his jacket and hung it up. "Wanting more so soon~?" He asked with amusement.

"Oh, you know by now that I always want more Johnny~" Mia replied with a lustful giggle, still working on Ren's hair.

"Horny bitch." Ren laughed, glancing back at Mia through the corner of her eye.

"Mhm~" Mia responded, clearly agreeing fully.

John chuckled slightly, shaking his head with amusement as he stepped closer to them. "As nice as it sounds, now isn't the time. I gotta be somewhere later." He said, slowly sitting down on their bed next to them.

"Ugh, fine." Mia responded with a playful huff.

Just then, the flap entrance to their tent moved aside as Shira, Luna and Francis entered.

"John, we have a few things we'd like to discu-... err.. are we interrupting something?" Shira asked, her scales darkening slightly from the sight of John sitting next to the two half nude wolf girls.

"Yes! We were just about to fuck!" Mia exclaimed with a bit of amused laughter from seeing the uncomfortable, awkward expressions of Shira, Luna and Francis.

Ren scowled slightly and smacked Mia's arm. "No, we weren't, she's just kidding." She assured, relieving their visitors.

John was very amused and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he chuckled. "What needs discussing?" He asked curiously as the three of them sat down in the canvas.

"Well... there's a few things that require a leader's attention. Skye has filled that roll for us lately, but soon... Perseverance will need it's own. And we sure as hell will not allow Tristan to fill that gap." Shira explained softly as she looked into John's eyes.

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