Chapter 8: The Ancestral Tree

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John drove the humvee the rest of the way to Perseverance, remaining silent with the others in the vehicle as they thought about the shock of what just happened. Though while everyone else was shaken up by the near death experience... John wasn't.

"Everyone alright?" He asked with concern, glancing next to him at Shira with his still badly beaten face.

"... yes, John. Just keep driving." Said Shira, the lizard taking calm, slow breaths.

Luna, Ivan, Cooper and Sammy all seemed to be staring into nothing as they comprehended what just happened. While it was shocking to them that John was now undoubtedly on their side... they were more shook from the thought that they were just a second away from death.

"... The lady of death has given us her blessing.." Luna mumbled very quietly, leaning the side of her head against the glass window as John drove, staring at the light snowfall outside.

The only response that Luna received was the slow nods of everyone in the humvee, except for John. He still didn't know much at all about this lady of death, but he decided he would learn more later... for now, the only thing everybody was focused on was getting back home.

Maybe ten minutes later, John finally stopped the humvee adjacent to the piece of road that slides over to reveal the hidden haven of Perseverance, glancing over at Shira for her to do whatever she had to in order to get them inside.

Slowly, Shira pulled out a thick radio from her jacket pocket and pushed in a button on its side, holding it up to her face. "Th-This is Shira to main, do you copy?" She asked into the radio.

After a brief moment of silence, a voice answered. "Copy, what do you need Shira? Over."

"We're outside, let us in please, over." Shira replied simply, her arm falling back down limply after she finished her short back and forth with whoever was on the other side of that radio.

They all watched as the ground began to shake slightly, causing the snow which was on top of the sliding road to shift as the piece of land slid over, revealing the long ramp down to Perseverance.

"Home sweet home." Cooper said with a relieved huff, sitting back in his seat.

Without a word, John began driving slowly down the long ramp, the piece of disguised road sliding back over them as they entered. The thick metal gate at the bottom of the ramp was already opened for them by the time John drove to the bottom, allowing him to park the humvee into an unoccupied bay in the vehicle storage.

As soon as everybody got out of the humvee, Bella was already standing off to the side. "Oh thank goodness... you're back." She said with a very relieved voice as she rushed over, hugging everyone except John rapidly.

"... Not all of us." Luna mumbled as Bella hugged her tightly, catching the white rabbit off gaurd.

"What? What do you mean...?" Bella asked with fear evident in her voice, slowly backing up while her large ears lowered noticeably.

Ivan stepped forward with his head down, letting out a sigh. "We lost three to rabids... Mike, Jess and... Fang." He said, barely able to speak above a whisper as he felt such shame for the loss.

Bella could only stare wide eyed up at the tall Ivan, tears beginning to build up in her eyes. "No.." she whispered, suddenly turning her back to the group as she controlled her tears. "Did... did you retrieve the bodies?"

"No... it wasn't possible, there... there were far too many of those things." Luna said shamefully.

Bella took in a deep breath as she attempted to control her tears, and after a moment, she slowly turned back around to them. "We... we will go to the Ancestral Tree in the morning and pray for them." She quietly said, clearly on the verge of breaking out into sobs.

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