Chapter 3: Whatever Stands in the Way

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John continued to look at Ren with clear surprise, his breakfast now finished. "Montreal?" He asked curiously, wondering why on earth Ren would want to go there.

Ren slowly nodded her head, sighing. Her mind was made about trusting this man. "I wanna go there because... that's where a group of um... the fur resistance are..." she replied quietly.

John was even more surprised to hear that. He has heard of the fur resistance, and knew that they remained hidden in fur territory, fighting back against any human that came to their land and tried to either kill or enslave them. He knew that they were known for choosing to die fighting rather than to let the humans enslave them.

He looked at Ren, his curiosity peaked now. "I always knew Canada was fur territory... that they've managed to remain hidden there... hell, humans even chose to stay away because operations to kill or enslave would be way too dangerous." He explained with a voice that showed his intrigue.

Ren slowly nodded her head. "This group in Montreal are taking in any fur survivor... so I have to get there, to be among my kind, where I'm supposed to be." She said with finality, her mind completely set on getting to this group.

John listened to what Ren said, this was a very big opportunity for her and he was happy that she had this chance of a life with her kind... but... there was one issue. "Ren... how will you get all the way to Canada?" He asked softly. "Especially with the rabids around."

Ren was silent for a moment, clearly she didn't have much of a plan. "I... I don't know." She replied with a quiet voice.

He let out a soft sigh, an idea was forming in his head but... he had to think on it more. "We can talk more about this later, now let's go on that hunt." He said with a kind smile as he stood up from his chair, Aura standing with him almost immediately.

Ren slowly formed a smile on her face and nodded, standing up as well with her new gun in hand. In all honesty... she really was starting to like John, and she didn't want to just leave him behind when the time came for her to set out... but she simply just had to be with her kind, and free with them.

Once John had grabbed his jacket, gun belt and sniper rifle, he led Ren over to the front door. "Alright, first rule to carrying a gun, make sure your safety is always on when you're not using it." He explained with a smile, taking Ren's gun from her to show her the safety switch which was on already.

Ren looked at what John was showing her and she nodded with understanding, taking it back when he handed it back to her again.

He then opened up the front door after unlocking it and Aura trotted out first onto the snowy ground. Luckily for them though, the snow seemed to have stopped for today. John headed out after Aura with Ren following him.

"Huh, look at that, she's already got something." Said John with a chuckle, watching as Aura was already sniffing the ground, clearly locked onto a scent.

Ren smiled a little to that, but oddly though... she also picked up on a strange smell with her powerful nose and sniffed the air a few times, earning a surprised glance from John.

"You can smell it too?" He asked with the surprise clear in his voice while they followed Aura.

"Probably not as good as her but... yeah I can smell it. I'm a wolf too y'know, we have strong noses." Ren replied with a slight giggle.

John chuckled a little to that, nodding. "Yeah that makes sense." He said with amusement, clearly a little fascinated with that though.

Eventually, Aura had led them far enough to find some tracks in the snow, but John rolled his eyes when he saw that they were only rabbit tracks.

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