- So that's why we found the scabbard...

- Yup, although I'm extremely surprised to not have seen the sword by now.

- Why is that?

- I don't know, it just seemed logic to me...

Oberon and his unfathomable logic...

- And what artifact were created together?

- Oh, that's actually stupid, but this is some high fantasy bullshit right here.

I didn't expected those rough words. It just didn't suited well with me to hear him swearing.

- Language!

Hanna voice did quell all my doubt. He wasn't supposed to swear. I reprimanded a small laughter that never comes. Was it truly me wanting to laugh or the memory of me acting this way in this sort of situation that spurred me to reprimend a faint laugh?

None of it really mattered in the very end.

At one point, we came before a very big room. Grey so far had tainted the wall. Moisture mostly, like I said, rats and spider webs. A miracle to still have walls. But this library, so strangely placed in this building who was seemingly not made for it... seemed off. At least, that's what a blind man would say.

Warm, yellow... the opposite of the outside. Through the looking glass we fell, and so appeared this library, seemingly brand new, clean, exempt of all decay caused by time, and seemingly way to big to fit in the building. To what sort of world have we come to cross over? The shelves were filled with countless of book, half of them missing, pages all over the floor... Magic was strong in this room, and ether too. But not in the usual concentrated way. More as if this place had been the theatre to many supernatural experiments.

- Do you sense the sword?

- Yes, as if it was the room itself.

- ...please tell me it's not actually the room.

- No, but the signature is all over the place, literally all over this library whatsoever. The sword have been here too long, and so the imprint is so strong it's like seeking one specific golden needle amidst a pile of copper needle. It visually noticeable, but you have no idea where to look for.

- That's... a curious metaphor, and a painful one.

I shrug at Hanna comment. This place sure looked neat. However, it was unsettling. And the most bothering thing was our lack of time. I decided it was a good time as any to show off. If you have powers, not using them is stupid.

I called upon my magic. Or rather, the ether. This familiar feeling of coldness, like a rough embrace yet tender at the same time. Then I remember the sensation, like pulling fish out of the water with a net. Aaah... I somehow missed to do those things. I simply muster a simple word, giving order to the chaotic energy.

- 28...

The ground seemingly cracked open, letting go of a small greenish looking mist. Suddenly structure crawled out, half formed by the mist and adorned with ragged yet militaristic looking leather cloths. Skeleton and rotting carcase. It was the horde once again. Been a while since I've done such flashy spell.

Bam, we had 28 skeletons ready to follow orders. I indicated the shelves.

- Gather anything on the table  and see if you can find a sheathed Norse looking sword: it's handle and scabbard are black. Search for other artifact too, but that's secondary.

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