too much answers

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There are three ways to face adversity. A difficult choice for many.



Or fleetingly.

I've done my share of the three.

I already planned revenge on the bastard who hurt Axel. I've ran into fistfight or jumped in the (metaphorical) fire, a few time already in the past days. And I spent most of my life running away, this time both metaphorically and literally.

But this time, I'm taking upon myself to not run away. It's not like my legs have the strength left for that sort of folly.

Now, back on our mission, and for this episode: creepy abandoned building!

I mean it's literally where the trail led us. So it's like 2 A.M, following the trail of a mystic sword that is probably cursed, into a gloomy looking building, my death right around the corner.

A few weeks ago, if someone had told me I would have ended up in such situation...well I would probably believe them because it sound like a stupid shit I would do. I'm tempted to laugh a little even.

Taking the secondary seat at the front of the car, I indicated the trail. My senses grew so stiff, but my perception of the world energies grew too.

I keep surprising myself.

However, my completely dead face when everyone saw the terrible building didn't gone unnoticed.

- So we are really going there?

- Hmm...

- Despite being quite the obvious trap?

- Yup...

Hanna sighed with a smile.

- I should have guessed...

And so, we entered. The place reeked like sewer. Moisture everywhere, spiders get the picture.

However, the ether was sure thick. Thicker than I ever saw in my entire life. I didn't frowned but I sure had to warn all my colleagues who were following me, shoulder tensed up from all the energy, all on my tail like the fucking scooby gang. Now, it was a certitude not even the table of the Camelot knight could make untrue.

- Careful, the sword is here.

They all gulped. I decided to make small talk in order to avoid tension.

I mean, Hanna was rather calm, and the two bosses were good. Eric was much more tense, and Oberon was pathetic at trying to dodge invisible obstacle. Sometime, seeing more than the average man can be a burden.

I turned toward Oberon, and extended my arm towards him after crouching. I did not try to smile, because it would have looked hypocritical. Not the best, you could imagine.

- Hop on.

The cat eyes beamed, he climbed over me like a child, yadda yadda, you know the drill. We all know it well by now. Yes, I have a pouty dryad in my fur.

Sometime you just gotta accept the weirdness. If I spent just two minutes reflecting upon my circle of friend weirdness, I would have go to the asylum without the need of trauma for it.

Such is my life.

- Hey, Oberon, do you have a theory as to why so many Britannic artifact of major importance are here in Salem?

- Hum, hard to say. Their presence in the first place may be explained as the immigration of the first people who sailed to America, but as to why two major artifact appear at the same time... no idea. However, I theorise artifact that were made "together" have a sort pull to each other, as if seeking to reunite.

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