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"Hi Renjun-sunbae." Mae greeted the older boy opening the door. Renjun had invited her over so she could have more time to learn from him and improve her skills.

"Hey Mae, come in." he moved to the side, letting her step into the apartment. She took off her shoes and followed her senior into the kitchen.

"Do you want to drink or eat something?" Renjun poured himself some tea.

"A glass of water would be nice." Mae took a seat at the dining table and looked around the place.

The apartment looked like the typical college student one with clothes scattered around and dishes stacked up in the sink. But there still was a homey feel to it and she was excited to finally know where Jaemin-oppa lived. She had hoped to see him but it seemed like he was out, she . They would occasionally bump into each other at school, Jaemin would greet her. With all the exams she had in the moment there was really no time for them to meet up and it made the girl sad

Renjun brought over her water and sat down next to her. "Here you go, sorry if it's a bit messy here. We are very busy with school so haven't got the time to clean up."

"It's fine, my room isn't the cleanest and tidiest as well. My eomma always complains about how it."

"That's good, now what do you want to focus on today? Should I look over some of your recent paintings and give you feedback on them or we continue working on the piece you started last week?"

"I think the second option is better as I need to get it done by end of this week."

"Okay, I'm sure I can help you with that like always. Let's go to my room and work there." they went back through the corridor and Renjun opened the opposite door to the kitchen.

"Welcome to my art studio, feel free to look around and at home."

"Whoa, your room is so beautifully decorated, You have so many paintings hanging on the walls and they are all so perfect." her jaw feel open, amazed at the sheer amount of aestheticness and art she saw at that moment.

"These are mostly pieces I did for school or from last year that I really like. Since this year I have started to do more digital painting as it's easier to do everywhere I want. If you want I can show you some of them later." Renjun settled down in front of a canvas stander.

"They are really really amazing, oh you do music as well?" Mae went around the room and spotted another bed on the other side of the room which was surrounded by a guitar, a microphone and different producing props. A pair of headphones laid on the bed and were plugged into a laptop.

"No, no, these are Hyuck's or you might know him as Haechan, his stage name he uses for his music releases. He's a music major and currently working on his first real album." Renjun explained while setting up the painting Mae had brought with her.

"You all are so cool and doing really great at your majors. You deserve to be called 7DREAM and have the honor to represent our school."

"Aw thanks, we just really love what we are doing and put a lot of effort into our work. You will be able to paint just as good as me or even better with time so we should start working now."

"Yeah we should, that's the reason I'm here." the two took out their art supplies and began drawing. Like the past times she had worked together with her sunbae, Renjun would glance over at her from time to time and tried to give her tips on how to improve her art but she was already very skilled so there wasn't much for him to adjust....


Jaemin came home from his work at the hospital, since the project he did for school with Miri he had been doing voluntary work to learn even more about the medical field and it was also a request from his father. It was great being able to help the nurses and staff and meet the patients but it was still hard tiring work. He couldn't wait to be home and slump on his warm comfy bed to take a long deep nap.

The boy noticed a pair of shoes in the corridor that looked like women winter boots, he didn't think anything of it. Maybe one of his roommates had a friend over or Chanjuan was visiting Mark.

He went to the bathroom to clean up and change into some more comfortable clothes, grey sweats and a brown hoodie before walking into the living room and turning on the tv. After a while he got bored watching the news and stood up to get himself a quick snack. Dirty cups and dishes could be found in the sink, Jaemin as the mum of the dorm began cleaning them and putting them into the dishwasher.

"Probably Mark-hyung or Haechan again. I should tell them to clean up their stuff after they use it later when we eat later." He finished cleaning everything and finally could make himself a cup of coffee.

"Should I ask the boys what they want to eat for dinner?" Jaemin knocked on the door of Renjun's room, soft lo-fi music could be heard from the inside. He opened it to see his friend drawing with a girl next to him. The two turned their heads around and smiled at him.

"Oh hi Mae, didn't know you were here." Jaemin greeted both of them. He could feel his hands starting to get sweaty, his lips shaking and his heart beating faster than normal. This has happened nearly every time he had talked or even just looked at Mae. He didn't know what he was feeling there, he only knew that he wanted to spend more time with her.

"Hey Jaemin, you finished work already?" he could feel Renjun's eyes looking at him and Mae interested, Jaemin really hoped that his friend didn't notice his weird behaviour around this specific girl.

"Hi Jaemin-sunbae. Renjun-sunbae wanted to help me with my paintings and invited me over." Mae bowed to him, he found it adorable how her soft brown-black hair flowed and her face started to blush.

Was this a sign that she could possibly like me? But what if the same thing happens and I'll get hurt all over again?

"Yep Renjun, today's shift was shorter than usual which was nice. Do you guys want to eat something? It's nearly 7pm so..."

"Sure, thanks Nana. I'm actually a bit hungry so cook fast."

"Yes, that would be very nice, sunbae. Thank you a lot for doing it."

"No it's fine, I can do it by myself. I'll call you when I'm done."

He quickly left the room so none of the two would notice his sweaty hands and slightly red face that started to form. On the hunt to find ingredients he would be able to use for a good dinner, he could catch himself occasionally staring at the room that he just left. The feeling that he hasn#t had in a long time started to come back and warm up his strong heart.

I'll just keep going and let's see if one day we might end up together.. Maybe a good dinner will impress her in some way... lol Jaemin, you don't even know her that good as you think you do so don't get your hopes up too much

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