"You can come in, only if you don't start." Eddie states and he knows his tone must have sounded harsh as he could see his mother flinch.

His father starts talking and Eddie laughs as abuela hits his arm with the tablet obviously telling him off for been a fool, he can see his father typing with a anger the way he is pressing on the screen, which meant Eddie was about to read an angry message, he sighs as the tablet is handed over.

'Edmundo me and your mother have spoken and we know how you want to stay and provide for Chris but clearly you are unable to, therefore we think its in everybody's best interest that we take him with us till your set up you can be mad at us but deep down you know we ate right.'

Eddie sits there, the anger bubbling up, how could they think he would agree to this, yes maybe he's struggling right now but not permanently he looks at his father and just sees red.

"GET OUT!!!!." He shouts far louder than he needed to but it obviously drove the message home as his parents took their leave rather quickly.

The first thing he notices the shocked look on Chris's face which breaks Eddies heart the last thing he wanted to do was shout in front of him, but it soon disappears as Chris leans down and hugs his father, Eddie would give anything to be able to hear right now to see if his son was crying.

He looks over to Abulea who passes her phone over which had a message on it, Eddie notices it was the app BUck had used before, this took him by surprise and smiled at Abuela.

"Since when did you become so good with technology?" Eddie jokes as he reads the message

'That was a bit harsh, but I understand why you told them to leave. I just hope you are ready for what it means.' he feels a gentle slap against his arm and sees Abuela shaking her head but with a smile.

"Thanks, and Chris." Eddie states and waits for his son to look up at him "you ain't going anywhere i promise you that. We will sort something out, I promise but it will be me and you." Eddie says as he places a kiss to Chris's head.

They spend an hour talking and Eddie can see Chris is fading so signals to Abuela to take him back to hers, he couldn't face having Chris spend another night here. He watches as abuela talks to her phone and hands it to him.

'I will take him back and we will come see you tomorrow where hopefully the doctor will let you out, but you need to think where you are staying as going back to the apartment you rent will be hard.'

He passes the phone back to her.

" To be honest I think I will arrange to go stay with Sophia in Texas only because I need to sort out the life insurance as well as compensation from the workplace." Eddie hated the fact the families had sued the local family run store for the accident but he needed the money as did the others.

Abuela passes him her phone as she picks Chris off the bed and starts moving his toys into a bag.

'That makes sense, and I don't feel guilty about the compensation it needs. If you need me to come i will and i'll stay at your parents to keep them at bay while you sort things'

"It's fine, it will be for a few days, just need to sort travel and that, i'll see you both tomorrow." Eddie says

There's a few more hugs and he watches as they leave, once the door closes Eddie feels lost, he was alone again and nothing to do, he could watch Tv but it lost all meaning once he lost his hearing, he picks his phone up and starts looking at plane tickets to Texas and messaging his sister in between who was more than willing have him and Chris stay over. After realising that he wouldn't be able to afford the tickets as it meant dipping into the rent fund he was going to mention to his sister but he didn't want to borrow money off her it wasn't right he would figure it all out.

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