"You can have this back and all." Craig handed me the money in the paper take-out bag the Doctor had handed him. "What have we done?" I frowned. "For a start, you were just talking to a cat." Craig pointed to the door. "Well, lots of people talk to cats." I reasoned. "And everybody loves you, and you're better at football than me, and my job," Craig said to the Doctor, "and now Sophie's all oh, monkeys, monkeys," Craig raised his hands in the air, "and then there's that." he pointed to our room.

"It's, er, art. A statement on modern society, Ooo, ain't modern society awful." I shook my head. "Me and you two, it's not going to work out. You've only been here three days. These have been the three weirdest days of my life." Craig yelled. "Your days will get a lot weirder if we go." the Doctor said. "It was good weirdness. It's not, it's bad weird. I can't do this any more." Craig shook his head.

"Craig, we can't leave this place. I'm like you, I can't see the point of anywhere else. Madrid? Ha, what a dump. We have to stay." I laughed nervously. "No, you don't. You have to leave."

"We can't go."

"Just get out!" Craig yelled. "Right. Only way. I'm going to show you something, but shush. Really, shush. Oh, I am going to regret this. Okay, right. First, general background." the Doctor head butts Craig. "Argh." Craig and the Doctor held their foreheads. "Oh." Craig's eyes widened. "Ow." the Doctor scrunched his face up.

"You're a..."




"You've got a Tardis."

"Yes. Shush. Eleventh."

"And you two are in-"

"Yeah. Shut up. Right. Okay, specific detail." the Doctor gave Craig another head butt. "Argh." they whined. "You saw my ad in the paper shop window." he pointed at the Doctor. "Yes, with this right above it. Which is odd, because Amy hasn't written it yet. Time travel. It can happen."

"That's a scanner. You used non-technological technology of Lammasteen!" Craig exclaimed. "Shut up!" we both whisper-yelled. "Argh." Craig rubbed his forehead. "Aw no. The boys have been rough-housing again." I said sarcastically. "I am never, never doing that ever, ever again." the Doctor frowned. I scoffed, walking over to the Doctor. "It hurts." he said. "Well, duh." I sighed, fluffing his hair. The Doctor activated the earpiece. "Amy."

"That's Amy Pond." Craig covered his mouth. "Oh, of course, you can understand us now. Hurrah. Got those plans yet?" the Doctor asked. "Still searching for them." Amy replied. "I've worked it out, with psychic help from a cat."

"A cat?" Amy questioned. "Yes. I know. He's got a time engine in the flat upstairs. He's using innocent people to try and launch it. Whenever he does, they get burnt up," he turned to Craig, "hence the stain on your ceiling."

"From the ceiling."

"Well done, Craig. And you, Miss Pond, nearly get thrown off into the Vortex."

"Lovely." Amy said sarcastically. There was another crash upstairs. "People are dying up there? People are dying. People are dying. People are dying." Another time loop commenced. "Amy." the Doctor said. "They're being killed."

"And someone's up there right now."

"Doctor? Juno?" Amy called. "Be right back." I said running out the room. "Juno!" I heard the Doctor yell as I reached the door. Sophie's pink fluffy keys were in the door. "Sophie. It's Sophie that's dying up there! It's Sophie!" Craig yelled. He quickly ran up the stairs. "Where's Sophie?" Craig asked as the Doctor and me followed him up. "Wait, wait." the Doctor said. "Amy?" I called. "Are you guys upstairs?" Amy asked. "Just about to go in." I informed. "But you can't be upstairs." Amy said. "Of course we can be upstairs."

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