See what? He's gonna see how fat you are eventually, Lilliana. Just give it time, Lilliana. Give it time. Still freezing, I try to do my English lessons. It's pain shooting through all my limbs every time I move.

     I do one English lesson. Only one more left. I can barely stand the pain. We're only an hour to Cleveland. I need to hurry up if I want to graduate. Just get over it, Lilly. Brady's done with his school, so he's watching me intently.

     Final grade: 91. I did it. I graduated. Brady and I look at each other with excited faces. He gives me a fist bump. I just graduated fifth grade! More time to burn calories for me! That is, until July 1st. You don't deserve to graduate, Lilliana.

     I'm still frozen. I put away my laptop and just curl up to the window. I see Ann pass me to check the aisle, and I just keep shivering. Why am I so cold all of a sudden? My teeth are chattering. Whatever.


     "Hey, Stacey, is Lilly okay? She's really cold, is she sick, or something, because I don't want her to infect the other kids," Ann asks.

     "She didn't seem sick this morning unless one of your kids is sick," I answer, trying to figure out why Lilly's so cold.

     "Well, she's been acting sick for the past couple of weeks. Maybe you should take her to a doctor," Ashley recommends.

     To be honest, Lilly's appetite has been slipping. And she has been getting a bit pale and sluggish. I can see her slacking off, but it doesn't seem like she's trying to slack off. I normally don't agree with these mothers, especially about my daughter, but maybe their pea brains are onto something.

     "I'll take her to a doctor after the competition," I decide, watching Michelle balance her checkbook.

     There's nothing wrong with Lilly, right?


     Oh my goodness, I feel like a popsicle. We arrive at the hotel, but I feel like I can't move. Brady helps me up, and I grab my things. Everything hurts. Brady puts the blanket back in the overhead compartment, and I don't feel colder. No matter what, I feel cold.

     "Alright girls, and moms, listen for your name. Gia and Hannah. Pressley and Brady. Sarah and Michelle. Lilly and Elliana. Stacey and Ashley. Ann and Joanne. Tricia and Yolanda. Those are your roommates. Be down in the lobby in an hour. We're going to go across the street for dinner. It is Italian food. See you there," Ms. Gianna announces, as she hands us all a keycard.

     Ellie and I are together! The AC in the hotel doesn't help my situation and just makes me colder. I nearly collapse to the ground in frozen pain, but I hobble to the elevator, carrying my suitcase. Luckily, the hotel room is right outside the elevator, so it's not a long walk.

     "Alright, time for dinner. Wanna do each other's hair and makeup?" Ellie suggests.

     "Um, sure," I agree, grabbing my dusty pink butterfly sleeve and Mary Janes. I go to the bathroom.

     I put it on and I feel even colder. Is it possible? I guess. Ellie puts on this white dress with strawberries all over it and tan jazz shoes. I hope Ms. Abby won't notice she's wearing her jazz shoes with her outfit.

     She puts my hair in a braid, adding fringe on the side. It looks really good. I curl her hair. I do her makeup in a pinky style to match the sheer sleeves of her dress, and she does mine in a brown style to match the buttons on my dress.

     I grab my phone and I head out the door. Please let there be a salad. Please let there be a salad. I'm so cold. I grab my jacket, but it does help. Maybe Brady is right. Maybe my body can't retain heat. Whatever. It's worth it.

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