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a/n: i do what i want.

Jacob was scrawny as a kid. He was tiny with limbs that seemed stubby on his puny frame. His eyes were massive brown globes that tended to be the reason that he got everything he wanted when they were younger. One flash of the puppy dog eyes and a little lip wobbling and they were out to greet the ice cream truck with Charlie's crumpled up dollar bills squeezed tightly in his little fist. However, Jacob hadn't looked like that in years. At fifteen, he was standing six inches over Bella and he'd developed a little muscle from hanging around Sam's boys. Now that Billy was allowing him to make his own choices with his appearance, his hair was almost waist length. 

That being said, he was still Bella's baby brother and she'd be damned if some little creep was going to get through without her vetting him first. 

Edward Cullen wasn't exactly the outspoken type. Bella's not sure if she's ever heard him speak a full sentence, despite the fact that they'd literally been lab partners for two weeks now. Honestly, she was grateful for it, he was odd at best. Bella assumes it's because he was younger than most of the people in the classes they shared together, having skipped a grade like Jacob. He was taking a mixture of Junior and Senior classes. She suspected he hadn't quite grown out of the awkward phase yet. He walked around with his face balled up like he smelled something awful, his expression a permanent grimace as he rushed through Biology class like he had somewhere to be. Though, there must be something in the rancid cafeteria-issued chocolate milk today, because he looks back at Jacob like her kid brother was the most interesting thing he's seen all day. 

Despite the weird look that was always plastered across his face, he tended to have most of the school fawning after him and his siblings. They showed up to school, on the days they decided to be present, in flashy cars. Despite looking like a little weasel, he was still attractive to most. Bella had the sneaking suspicion that he was used to getting everything he wanted, and now he had eyes for Jacob.

The rest of the table must be able to read her expression. When they turn away from staring, all looking excited to discuss the new development, no one says a word. Jessica, Eric, Mike, and Angela all bow their heads like they're all in some kind of silent prayer as they stare down at the food on their trays. Jacob, however, has this look on his face like he's pleading with her not to make a scene. She humored him. 

She has Biology next period.

They're going through the phases of Mitosis today. Just like every other day, Cullen barely speaks, only calling out the phases when he peaks into the microscope before immediately scooting the device over so that Bella can get a look as well. 

She expects to be the one to bring up the incident in the cafeteria, her mind searching for some kind of opening as she stares down at anaphase.  She leans away, intending to push the microscope back in Edward's direction only to find him staring at her.  

"Can I help you?" She says, face tugging into its own grimace before she goes to scribble down the answer on her worksheet.

"Are you friends with Jacob?" His voice comes out in this hushed whisper like they're sharing some forbidden secret.

Bella contemplates changing her schedule.

"He's my brother." She says before turning back to grab another slide from the box.

"Oh." Is his response before they go back to sharing the microscope. 

Bella wasn't a stranger to people Jacob's age asking about him. The amount of girls asking if he was going to prom this year was outstanding and school had barely begun. However, something about this seemed different. Jacob, while wanting to seem uninterested, ducking his head when he realized half of the cafeteria's eyes were on him, couldn't fool someone who's known him since he slept with a stuffed animal. He'd been distracted the rest of lunch. He liked something about this guy. 

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