Chapter one: introduction

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Background story:
Maeve had a pretty much perfect child hood until she was 7. Her,her mum and brother left her dad when she was eight due to such a shitty city they lived in that was filled with crime and things you would not like to bring your children up in. Both of Maeve parents had struggled with a drug addiction for as long as she could remember. They still put Maeve first, and her brother (Kylan)of course when he was born. Maeve would sit at the top of the stairs listening to her parents argue all night long and refused to go to sleep until they did. They moved away in February 2018 when Maeve was eight (she is now soon 15) . She has always struggled with her trauma and she can't remember much of the past but now she struggles mentally and it got worse as she got older.

A rainy winter night at 6pm when it gets dark early Maeve is sitting on the window sill listening to the sound of the rain against the window,tears running down her face,thinking of how her life is spiralling .
She grabs her notebook and rants out how she is feeling making notes  ' I feel like I'm always doing something wrong, I take my anger out on the wrong people and I still have the audacity to say that I'm a good person' and 'They only started putting the suicide posters up after that girl killed herself, they didn't before.Does the school think that all of a sudden people will stop feeling suicidal, it's not like they cared until she died. They only care about how short our skirts are yet they have the audacity to make us wear skorts for PE that show our bums, I'm drained, I'm not physically able to do anything other that go out with my friends and pretend everything is okay.'
As she scrolls through tiktok she sees videos reminding her over and over again about self harm, there is no trigger warning for any of them so sh is replaying in her mind.
She thinks about all the people on social media saying she should just 'do it' but she doesn't want to leave HIM.
She reaches her razor blade with tears dripping down her face like a waterfall and slashes her thighs and wrists, she felt the relief when she saw that white line turn red.
She put on some loose clothes and went to bed after she wrote jack a goodnight paragraph.

The next day

Maeve's point of view:

I wake up and look in the mirror to see all the mascara on my face from the previous night, I call jack to pick me up in an hour with his mum to drive me to school.I quickly redo my makeup before my little brother wakes up to see me hurt,I get into my school uniform and made sure I wrapped my cuts in bandages to make sure they don't get infected and to obviously hide them from my loved ones and people at school.
I'm ready so I jump downstairs and say good morning to my mum since my dad hasn't been there since I was a kid. She makes me breakfasts down I stare at that bowl and realise that I don't need it otherwise I gain weight so I skip breakfast and throw it in the bin.

Little did Maeve know her mum was there watching her do it and she has realised how poor she was eating over the past few months. Every day since the start of the year Maeve had said to her mum 'no I'm not hungry' or 'I will get myself something to eat later', if Maeve's mum did cook her food she would never finish it or throw the whole thing in the bin.

Maeve's point of view:
Jack comes and knocks on the door and says " good morning my perfect girl" my stomach fills with butterflies and my face goes all red.
We drive in his car to go to school and to meet out friends, he lays his hands on my thighs where my cuts are from the previous night and I let out a little cry of pain and try to hold it in but I couldn't.
"What's wrong baby" he says
"Nothing my thighs are just sore from working out" I say
He let's go of my thighs.
If he was to find out he would see me so differently, he would look at me with disgust and he would think I'm so selfish. Maybe he might think I'm crazy.

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