Harry potter's twin

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Harry and Elena Potter are twins Harry brought up by the Dursley's and Elena , is raised by the Weasley's.
Harry a carbon copy of their father but his eyes were their mothers, whilst Elena 'lily' was a carbon copy of their mother , only a small difference in the eye colour a Emerald green exactly like her mother but made a slightly browner shade of green .

4th year and the twin Gryffindor's notice something about the atmosphere, although happy and as par for the course as each school year beside the first year, the ever looming feeling in their guts, something is going to happen this year and it's going to be something very big.
As Harry Hermione and Ron work through each of the tasks for triwizard tournament as well as balancing the ever changing relationships between friends and now that his sister and his best friend's brother George have been dating for about a year and a half.
Whilst Elena and George explore more of their strengthening relationship and three nights together weeks later presents a most unexpected but not unwelcome although overwhelming discovery.

How does Harry deal with the school year, the cup and now his twin sisters pregnant, and how do Elena and George deal with it all.
How does Sirius and Remus react to their Goddaughters pregnancy?! Will Remus be telling Sirius to Calm the fuck down for the love of merlin! Hmmm most likely .

What happens when lily and James return from the dead? A marauders reunion, two parents making up for lost time and how do the two parents react to their daughter being pregnant ?

What's going to happen now?

A/n.  I know teen pregnancy is a trigger for some but I just thought this would be an interesting plot.. I need you guys to give me some more ideas. Comments please
And please someone write these stories
A/A/n   I mean you guys could also just take the Harry twin sister wherever you want it's your story I'm just here to give you the ideas

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