Start from the beginning

"Don't speak,dear." He said worriedly.

" I love you......"

Maybe it's for the better that I don't see your grieving face as I die because I won't be able to bear it my dear. Goodbye, my dear my beloved man.

Her heart completely stop.


It was midnight when she woke up sweating, it was that horrible dream again, that dream she had ever since she was fifteen years old. It's been six years now but she still keeps ok dreaming the same thing and wakes up at midnight, it almost felt like an everyday routine except it's every Midnight's routine. She breath out a heavy sigh, her black hair sticks onto her face because of sweat , she decided to get up and place her back on the head board of her bed, closing her eyes to calm her raging heart. She shook her head and bite her nails - a hobby she had develop due to her anxiety cause by her nightmares.

She look at her digital clock, it says 12:39 P.M.. she had work tommorow and it doesn't seem like she will fall asleep until it's three a.m. She had always been like this, Mikasa gulp down. The dream looks so vivid, on that dream she died and she said good bye to the man she loves but that just seems ridiculous.

Same dreams, same thought, same bed, same scenario every night.
She closed her eyes, biting her bottom lip.

She's twenty three years old now and it's been eight years, the dream doesn't make any sense. It was stupid and too magical to be true, in those dreams she is a Queen and she died, her body become ashes in that dream after being killed by a human. It.makes he lost her brain. Mikasa look at her window to see that the sun is about to rise, how many hours does she spent on the bed wide awake? Time sure flies fast. She got up from her bed to prepare for her day, she look at herself in the mirror and stretched.

THE KING'S words is a mighty one and unbreakable, even the king couldn't break his own words as it is considered as a crime, the palace stood tall among other palace in their world, the vampires rules this world even though the warewolves look especially stronger and more beautiful than them, this world had four breeds, the Vampires, the warewolves, the Dwarfs and the Giants. They live in harmony in peace for more than one hundred years, some may disagree with this but a lot of creatures want this kind of world, a world full of peace.

The king , Eren Yeager , has been ruling this place for more than five hundred years - along with their beautiful Queen who died in an unfortunate way exactly five hundred years ago too, it's the King's reign beginning when she died. The king is cold, he almost seem heartless , his words were knives and his glares sent shiver down their spines but even so they acknowledge him as a good leader, for leading them to hundred of years of prosperity and abundance. The King is also one of the leaders who initiated peace among creatures, so he is highly respected.

"King Eren." The advisor, Floch Forester stand beside the King, wearing his normal tuxedo to look very neat infront of the King he admire the most. He had been by the King's side for four hundred years. " The Council had been erupting, they really want you to have a wife now, to bring an heir to the throne. I could not talk to them about it anymore. You really need to find a wife. "

" Floch, I am not finding a wife. " He said. " I am fine, I am the King couldn't they see, I still have thousand of years to live. "

" Even though a vampire is considered an immortal, it doesn't mean that they couldn't die. A vampire is a being that could die from heart ache when the person they love died, I wonder how strong are you to defy a fact simply given to us. " Floch muttered and look at him again. " My king, the council will be happy if you pay even a little attention to them, the Parliament of advisers are raging and eager to see your child,
our future king. "

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