Bittersweet beginnings (p1)

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(I went through and changed this up to make it a smoother read and I'm about to do that with the other books, and just so you know, most parts of this book will be in second person because that's my usual writing style, but I will try to change it up, and also, song for this chapter is acid tumble of love by Toby fox!!:)
You open your tear filled eyes, your vision blurry and your head pounding. You feel your body against the soft, warm dirt. A ray of sunshine fills your hazy vision, you start to focus on your surroundings, but all you can see is a small patch of grass and some blood stained soil. You try to recollect the series of events that put you in this position, but alas, to no avail. You soon muster up the strength to push yourself up onto your hands, but as soon as you start, a shooting pain fills your entire body.
"Ah-" you scowl, as you use one hand to push yourself onto the side of the nearest tree, and the other to hold the side of your stomach, in which you feel a sharp pain. You start examining your wounds and trying to take a breath, your body is filled head to toe with gashes and scrapes. With the last of your strength, you rip off sections of your clothing to wrap around your deepest wounds, before wiping your sweaty hair away from your mouth and eyes. You look up, throat dry, face dripping in sweat, practically panting, trying to get enough energy to push yourself against the tree and stand. You rest your elbow on the trunk, the hard bark scraping your skin, you curl up your leg and set your foot flat on the ground, followed by the other, and push off the tree and onto your feet. But as you finally stand upright, you hear footsteps getting close. You drop back down onto your knees, and drag yourself behind the tree. As your palms dig into the dirt, you find a piece of broken glass. You pick it up, and hold it near to your chest, and poke your head around the tree to see if the unknown entity would approach any closer, and your eyes fell upon a shadowy figure which got moved in with each second, but before you could register anything about said figure, you turned back around, with a sense of dread and panic. you were shaking in fear, and as you heard the steps getting close, you turn back around, armed with the shard of glass, yet you don't see anything. but when you turn to the other side, you see a face.
"AH" you let out a panicked scream. You were about to attempt to stab whatever was standing next to you, but then you saw the perpetrator.
"Hiiiiiiiiii" said a little kid, with a weird infliction in their voice, and seemingly unphased about a random person screaming.
"....hi?" You replied, caught off guard by the young child. They had a very big and very curly head of hair covered by a purple mushroom looking hat, and was about the height of the average five year old.
The kid drops down next you and turns to you with a big smile, "want a shroomie?" They ask as they hold out their hand, inside it laid a mushroom which was the same purple color as their hat.
"....sure?" you take the small mushroom and take a bite of it, it tasted absolutely vile and you spit it out without thinking. You look back to apologize for spitting it out, but the kid looks extremely content that you took it in the first place. You sit with the kid in silence for a few minutes, until you hear the sound of someone running towards the tree you're seated behind.

"Poison mushroom?? Poison mushroom?" A mid pitched yet raspy voice yelled. Seemingly looking for the mushroom child. You flinch at the sound, yet Poison mushroom got up and skipped from behind the tree
"You found me, woo." Said poison mushroom, followed by them doing a small little dance.
"How did you end up out here, dummy" the voice replied in a stern yet worried tone, yet the kid just kept doing their little jig.
"Just...come on"the person to whom the voice belonged to started walking away.
"Bye bye!" Poison mushroom exclaimed, waving to you.
Shit You thought to yourself.
"What was that?" The man with the voice had stopped in his tracks.
"My friend behind the tree!" Poison beamed, "bye bye!" He continues, turning back to you.
"Stay right here" the voice ordered, while slowly walking behind the tree. As the man got to the tree, they quickly looked behind, not expecting what he saw.
"AH" he accidentally screamed before covering his mouth.
"That's exactly what they said" poison smiled.

(Sorry it's a little short, getting back into the swing of fanfics <3)

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