Chapter 3: Disaster

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(POV of Daniel)

"HARMONY WAKE UP!" I yelled as I rapidly shook her. She wasn't responding, she must have fainted. I was suddenly panicking when I heard a loud screech and saw three plane windows break.

I saw people flying out of the windows. I tried to grab some of them, but it was too late. My friends, all of the flight attendants, and a couple of strangers all got sucked out. We hit the ocean with a loud BOOM. Water started to come in.

"Daniel! Don't just stand there, move!!!"said Cierra as she motioned for me to grab Harmony. I carefully picked her up, and attempted to find an exit.

I really wish we paid attention to the flight attendant when she was talking about the emergency stuff. I had no idea where the nearest exit was, so I just followed Cierra.

It is best not to look around you while escaping a crashing plane. You may see things that you wish you could un-see because there are pretty traumatizing stuff around you. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of looking around. People all around me are screaming out of fear, or out of pain. I looked to the right, I saw people getting impaled by a metal rods and a stranger coughing up blood while drowning. I look to the left, and I see one of my classmates bleeding out and another one's head getting crushed by the plane engine. All I can do is watch as the horror unfolds around me.

Finally we found an exit. I grabbed the inflatable raft, opened the door, and tried to fight the current as the water came rushing in.


"WELL IM SOR-" I was cut off by the water going over my head.
I held Harmony tight as I swam up with the raft

I emerged out of the water with cuts and bruises from all the stuff from the plane. The raft somehow inflated itself, so I carefully climbed in and set Harmony down. Seconds later I hear another person emerge from the water, it's Cierra, and she to has another passed out person she's carrying. It's Zara. I helped them into the raft, and we started looking for anymore survivors.
We found a few more people: Charlie, Samantha, Kayla, and Chris. They were all badly injured and needed medical attention, unfortunately the best we could do was clean and bandage their cuts.

I looked down at the ocean, where the plane use to be, where my friends were, where a stranger died right before my eyes. My eyes started to water, so I wiped away the tears before anyone could see me. I looked around the small raft, and I made a vow to myself: keep as many people alive as possible, they are all I have left.

The Sandy Shores of Survivalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें