Satsuki: What do you want?

Nui: "What do you want", I don't want nything. But your mom does. She wants to know about the raid trip. Y'know, how it went and all that. I had some time because someone banned me from Honnouji academy. So I figured I'd hop on over and give you a lift.

Satsuki: You came because you wanted to see Senketsu and Junketsu fight!

Nui: Can't fool you, can I? Though I also wanted to settle the score with that smartass Y/N for good, THOUGH HE'S BEEN QUITE THE PAIN IN THE ASS LATELY!!!

Satsuki was surprised by the sudden outburst Nui had, but she never really showed it.

Nui: Anywho, you're the only one who really understands me. That's my lady Sastuki.

Satsuki: This coming from someone who defies understanding.

Nui: Well, were off to the mansion.

Satsuki: Iori, contact the Elite Four. Te'll them I'll be delayed. Also, they're on alert until they get back to the acdemy. Until they're back, the raid trip is active.

Iori: Milady.

Soroi: Beg pardon, miss. But it appears you have time for another cup of tea.

Satsuki: Thank you.


Back at the ruined Osaka

Back at the ruined Osaka

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Aikuro: What a mess.

Tsumugu: At least we're not dead. And we sure as hell ain't quitting.

Aikuro: Damn right. Way to go, Ryuko. You fought Kiryuin to a draw. Nice job. Come with me.

Ryuko: Whoa, hang on, where are we going?

Aikuro: You heard Kiryuin. She's taking things to the next level. So there's no point kepping secrets anymore. It's time I told you everything.

Mako then gasped upon seeing Aikuro's different look.

Mako: Oh! My! GOD! Mr. Mikisugi! Is that you!?

Y/N: Yep. Member of Nudist Beach, and a personal friend of mind.

Mako: Wait! Are you and Mr. Mikisugi exhibitionists?

Y/N: Him, most likely. Me on the other hand, not only no, but Hell no!

Ryuko: Mako, you can't come along on this.

Mako: Huh?

Aikuro: Better listen to her. If you come with us, you'll be throwing yourself smack dab into a worldnof hurt. Do you think you have the guts for it.

Mako: Oh, heck no.

Ryuko: Knew it. Go home, its cool.

Mako: I'm not ready to go into battle buck naked yet.

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillWhere stories live. Discover now