~ 14 ~

22 1 5

I woke up pretty early in the morning, already had a shower and prepared now breakfast for the guys. It's the least I could do for them while staying at their dorm. I was still free from school so I'll have enough time to do some stuff with Chan. I caught myself smiling after I thought about him. Quickly I shook my head. The hell was that about? No, thank you.

I placed everything on the table when the guys started to appear one after another. They all looked so adorable in their PJ's and their hair being all over the place. I really wanted to squish their cute faces.

Lino looked at me slightly confused. "Oh no, did my bad dream follow me into the kitchen? Am I still sleeping? Are you a ghost?"

"What the- Go sit down before I whoop your ass Lee Minho." I huffed at him. "Ghost my ass." I really forgot how much Lino loved to tease me.

Satsified with his action, he sat down on his seat and started munching away.

At least he didn't think that I poisoned the food. But knowing him, he might come with that later.

"Are you just going to stare at the food?"

I looked at Binnie and shook my head. "Of course not. But I already ate beforehand. I was up pretty early. Didn't wanted to wake any of you up."

"I was awake early too. Could of come to me." Chan said, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah cuz you don't ever sleep. Zombies don't sleep too. Are you turning into one? Do I need to be worried that you'll be after our brains?"

"Now that you mention it", he said and got up, walking over to me. "I do be hungry for some brain."

I quickly jumped up. "Wrong adress. I do not contain something called brain."

"Mhm there's only one way to find out." He giggled softly and started chasing me like a real Zombie.

"Christopher Bang Chan, don't you fricking dare." I knew as soon as he gets me, he's gonna tickle the hell out of me.

"Braaaaaaaaains. So hungry for braaaains." He shortcut me, catched me and started the tickle attack.

"No! No, no, no, no. Please." I said under all the laughing. "Channie, please stop." I was barely able to breathe properly from all the laughing.

He laughed softly and finally let go of me. "Do you really think I start to look like a Zombie?"

"Mhm yeah. But like a really cute, handsome one. The kinda Zombie you wanna keep."

Now he got all shy and covered his face. "Nuuh, I'm not handsome. I'm okay looking. Nothing too special."

"O-okay looking? Excuse you? Have you looked at yourself? You're much more than just okay looking. If you're just okay, what am I then? A rotten potato? Nah, wait. Even that is prettier than me." I hit his arm playfully. "You're perfect the way you are. And you know that."

"Did you just call yourself a potato? You must be the prettiest potato then I've ever seen in my life."

"Oh my god!" I got up and rolled my eyes playfully. "Go get ready. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Right, I'll get to spend the day with you." He kissed my cheek quickly and smirked slightly before he left.

"This guy, I swear." I sighed softly and left to help Jisung and Hyunjin with the dishes.

After a couple minutes passed, Chan came back to the kitchen, ready to leave.

I looked at him and smiled bright. "Ayooo, look at you. Soooo cute." I walked over to him and squished his face gently. "Cute, cute, cute."

"Byeol, stop squishing my face. I'm not cute." He laughs softly.

"Tch, like I'm ever gonna stop squishing that precious face of yours. Anyways, let's go." I put on my jacket and then left with Chan the dorm. Our first stop was the hospital. I was honestly really nervous to see Lee.

I haven't been once to the hospital since he got there. Not because I didn't wanted to. More because I was terrified to stumble upon his girlfriend. She was the definition of a demon. She already blamed me several times for different reasons. Mostly she says I'm the reason why Lee gets hurt. She doesn't understand that you'll get bruises and injuries as a dancer. It's normal. She just sucks.

Chan and I reached the hospital pretty quick. It's not that far away from the dorm. We stepped inside and made our way to Lee's room. I was already able to hear the highpitched demon from far away. Exactly what I've been trying to avoid. My gaze went over to Chan. "Might as well want to wait. Coukd get ugly. Jana isn't a big fan of mine."

"I'll go where you go. Somebody has to make sure you'll be right." He winked at me before we both entered the room.

Jana's gaze quickly went to the entrance after she finished babying Lee. "The hell you want here?"

Wow, what a warm welcome. I just ignored her and turned my full attention to my friend. "Hey there."

"Hey." He said softly, looking all happy to see me after so long. "Been a while."

"Yeah. Lot of things happened since the accident."

"Which YOU caused by the way. What do you want? Haven't you done enough damage already?"

Lee stopped Jana before she was able to add more to the list. "Could you please leave us alone for a moment? She's still my friend after all."

She didn't liked the fact that she got sent asay but still left.

I sighed out in relief and walked over to him to have a seat. "You know you didn't had to send her away. We all know she can't stand me."

"Won't hurt to be alone with you for some minutes without hearing her cursing at you. How have you been? And who's your friend?"

"He's a really good friend of mine, Chan. Overprotective like someone else I know." I looked at all the wires and things connected to him. "I'm doing alright. At least better than you. Is all of that really needed?"

"Well, it's what kept me alive." He took my hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "Yuki was here. She told me what happened at the dorm. And not to mention what happened in the practice room. Byeol, you're far from being okay."

A soft sigh escaped from my lips. "It doesn't matter how I'm doing Lee. I don't have the time to curl up in a corner and cry. I have people to take care of. If I keep going it shows that I won't give up that easily. I've been going through worse. Things like that will always happen. I'm used to it. Just promise me to heal well and take good care."

"You know I'm less worried about me. But I know how stubborn you can be. Just come and visit me more often. It's nice to have someone here who doesn't baby me all the time."

I couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Oh, just wait till your back. I'll be so much worse than Jana."

"Yeah, maybe I should just hide from the both of you."

"BABE!" Jana came back inside without a warning. She snatched his hand away from mine with that death glare. "It's time for your checkup. And then we get lunch." She didn't even bothered to look at me when she spoke. "You should leave now."

I got up from my seat and rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Take care Lee."

"You too. See you, Byeol."

I left with Chan the hospital. He has been silent for the entire visit. I was literally about to lose my shit because of that demon. "Please say something before I storm back inside and do things to her I might eventually regret later on."

"How about not waisting energy on her? It won't be worth it. Do I have to be worried and like hold you back or we good to go?"

"She's so lucky that you're here." I huffed and stomped off. I honestly never hated someone as much as I hate her. I could literally smack her against a wall. I feel bad that Chan had to hear all of this. She was such a brat. And the way she just took Lee's hand away from me. Am I not even allowed to hold my friend's hand now? Honestly, that woman gave me a headache. I took a deep breath. I should focus on more important things now.

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