2: RedStone Cafè

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"It's so pretty in here," I say scanning the small cafe

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"It's so pretty in here," I say scanning the small cafe. I looked across all the different book titles that lined the walls getting excited. "Mama?" Wanda called over the counter. I frowned in confusion. "Wanda, baby." Middle-aged women greeted her cupping her cheeks and pecking her head. "Who's this sweetie?" "This is Olivia, she's my dorm mate." She introduced me. "Lovely to meet you Mrs Maximoff," I said shaking her hands smiling. "Finally I get to meet one of Wanda's friends. How is school treating you?" "It's good, Wanda and I have been navigating it together," I tell her. 

"Well you girls take a seat and I'll bring you a drink over... Hot chocolate okay?" "Sounds good." We say in unison before going to sit down, Wanda lead me to the back corner and we took a seat. "So this explains your love of books," I say looked around still in amazement taking it all in. It was magical in here. "I'd never leave this place." I took a seat. "It's pretty cool," Wanda said with a proud smile on. "I've never brought anyone here." She tells me. "Why not? I'd show this place off to strangers If my parents worked here." I tell her looking at her. "You actually think it's cool?" "You've been in our room, right? We're one book away from this place." I tell her and she chuckled. "We do have a lot of books." I nodded. 

"Two hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows." Wanda's mother sat our drinks down. "Thank you." "Is papa here?" "He's at the bank with your brother." Wanda nodded. "You should wait he won't be much longer." She tells her. "We're busy." "Don't be silly Wands, we can stay. We're looking for a chair nothing that can't be done tomorrow." I'd kill to see my dad, it's only been a week and I miss him like crazy and with the time differences our phones calls have been five minutes max. "Are you sure?" She seemed nervous. "Yeah of course." I smiled. Her mum smiled at me. 

We chatted whilst we drank our drinks and then the store got busy. "I'm going to help mum." She says. I nodded. I sat on my phone for a few minutes before standing up and tying my hair in a ponytail taking our empty mugs to the counter. "Need help?" "That would be great." Her mum said with a thankful smile. "No, you sit down." "Wanda I don't mind," I tell her. "Could you help clear the tables so we can get people sat down?" I nodded and took the cleaning products to wipe the tables down. I cleared a few tables as quickly as I could taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen and coming out again. We did this for about an hour before it calmed down again. 

"Thank you girls so much." She said with a smile. "Here." She handed me some cash. "Oh no, it's okay. Really." "Please Olivia, you worked. Workers get paid." Wanda looked at her feet. "Really Mrs Maximoff, It's okay. I don't mind." I tell her, putting the cleaning products away. "Well, then you will come back for another drink sometime. And pick any book to take home." "Thank you." I smiled sweetly. 

Wanda pulled me into the back. "You didn't have to do that." "I know, I wanted to. Besides it was kind of fun, speaking to new people." I tell her putting my coat on coping her. "You actually don't mind?" "I wouldn't have offered to help if I didn't want to," I tell her. "Thanks. It means a lot." I smiled and nodded putting my bag on my shoulder. 

"Wanda, your papa and brother are here." She called to us. We went out. "Papa." She hugged her dad. "How are you kiddo?" "Good, this is Olivia." She stepped aside to present me. I waved and smiled. "My wife told me you helped out today." I nodded. "Finally one of Wanda's friends who isn't so stuck up." "Dad." Wanda scolded. "You said she had money. I just assumed she'd be like Chloe or Maddie." "Dad." She warned him. I chewed my lip feeling uncomfortable. Did Wanda think I was stuck up? Did she think I'd judge her? "I didn't mean to upset her." "You didn't it's okay. You have a lovely Cafè," I tell him with a pleasant smile on my lips. 

"Well, we better get going." Wanda hooked our arms together. "We have things to do." "We do?" I questioned her. The furniture shops are closed now so we had literally nothing to do. "We do." She told me firmly. "Right." "Well Bye." She said pulling me out. I called a goodbye as she dragged me out of the store. 

"What was that?" "My friends in the past looked down on me because my parents weren't rich." "You think I was doing that?" She shrugged. "I'd never do that. I think your parent's place is really cool. It's great in there and I don't care what money you have or don't have. We get on that's all I care about." I tell her slightly hurt she thought I would judge her because of that. "Sorry." She mumbled. "It's fine," I say resting my head on her shoulder. "I'm starving," I tell her. "Mass hall?" We both nodded knowing it was a good idea to go get food. 


We hadn't made friends apart from each other. I was okay with that Wanda was funny, and she got me, we were both the same. We liked the same music, the same books, we laughed at the same jokes watched the same shows. 

After we ate we headed to our room. I dumped my bag on the bed. "When did we get that?" I asked looking at the beanbag chair in the spot where we were planning on putting a reading chair. It had a note on it.

"It's from my parents," Wanda said reading the note. "Why?" "Mama told papa, that we were looking for a chair for reading and he and my brother went and got us one that's why they were so long at the bank. A small thank you for helping out today." "They didn't have to do that. It was really sweet of them." I say. Wanda sat in it. "Pass me a book." I picked up her book off her nightstand and she opened it reading a few lines. "It's perfect." "Move over let me try," I say sitting on top of her and she giggled, I took her book and read it. "You're right it's perfect." I chuckled. 

We called her parents to thank them and they were so happy we liked it. "I've had a really nice day today," I say snuggling into the blankets whilst Wanda scrolled through Netflix's finding a film for us. "We didn't do anything." "Those are the best days though," I tell her and she chuckled. "Spending time with friends the day passing by so quickly because you're laughing all day," I explained. "I guess so. It has been a nice day." She says settling beside me. 

We watched the film and she fell asleep halfway through which is typical of her. I laid her down and turned the laptop off putting it back on her desk before climbing into my own bed. A whole week is done at school. Tomorrow is my first law class and I was so scared, I wouldn't have Wanda beside me to just talk to or support me. She had her English lit class at the same time. 

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