One is the Dragon Lord's son.

The other one is the Last Necromancer.

'Mary is here. She must be here for New Year Festival and spend the new year with others.'

As he took a step forward, the butler behind him opened his mouth.

"Young master-nim."


"Are you close with the lady just now?"


Ron could see a rare gentle smile on his liege's face when the young man said the lady's name.

That makes the old butler more curious.

When he arrived in the bakery, he saw two of them drinking warm drinks at the same table.

He couldn't see the lady's expression as the lady's back faced him before she's welcoming him.

However, Ron could see a relaxed smile on the puppy young master of his.

He looked loosened up.

'Young master-nim even let her call him casually.'

The only ones who call him without honorifics are his family, his sworn brother, the averaging 10 years old children, the dragons, and his secretary, Mercenary King Bud Illis.

The higher-ranking people also being respectful of him even though he doesn't have a noble title.

Cale Henituse is the honorable hero of the Western Continent and Eastern Continent who refused the medal, position, and fame.

He's someone you can't mess up with.

He might doesn't care about his reputation but he got a lot of strong allies around him that cherished him.

As Ron patiently waits for his young master's answer, Cale is wondering the same question.

'Are we close?'

Team Leader Jung.

That's what Cale, no, Kim Rok Soo called her in their previous world.

They had a normal relationship between two Team Leaders of respective teams.

Both teams need each other.

The attacking team needs the healer team to heal their comrades.

The healer team needs the attacking team to protect them while healing the survivors.

So, Jung Yeon Hwa and Kim Rok Soo frequently have a meeting to discuss some issues.

He remembered something about her while he's walking on the fluffy white snow.

"Team Leader Kim."

"Team Leader Jung."

"Why are you always injured every time I see you?"

"Hmm. I wonder."

Kim Rok Soo avoided the piercing silver eyes that were similar to the scalpel she held at that moment.

"Haaa...Come in."

She let Kim Rok Soo enters her office.

Her office is full of surgical tools, bandages, ointment, and medicine.

If we ignore the lack of stretchers, her office can be considered a good infirmary.

Jung Yeon Hwa led Kim Rok Soo to sit on the chair.

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