"I don't even know what they did, I was out of it."

"Your boys ran over and grabbed the Bellas. I honestly thought Ambrose was going to throw punches. Then your little boyfriend tried to help you but then you showed how strong you were and walked up the ramp by yourself."

Katy just shrugs and jumps off the sink as I finish up with cleaning off her makeup. The thing about Katy was, even when she had no makeup on and wore the baggiest clothes ever, she still looked beautiful. Everyone knew this too, of course except for herself. I watched as Katy grabbed out a pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie.

Katy ushered me out of the bathroom so she could change and I walked over to the couch. "So she is okay now?" Jon asks as he walks over to me.

I could tell how much Jon cared for Katy, it was really cute. I could see it in Colby too and of course Joe but not in the same way as Jon and Colby. "She'll be fine Jon. Make sure she keeps taking her medicine though. I don't want her in anymore pain." I tell Jon and he just nods along to everything I say.

Katy steps out of the bathroom with her bag over her shoulder and her eyes on her phone. There was a knock on the door and Colby walks over to get it. I could hear the sigh escape from Colby and voices from outside of the room. I heard footsteps and turned to see Phil, Randy, and Cena.

Phil smiled over at me and I smiled back but Phil's smile left his face quickly as his eyes went over to Katy. Phil frowned along with Cena and Randy. Katy looked up at the guys and shot them a quick smile.

Phil walked over to Katy and started whispering to her and loosely hugged her so it wouldn't hurt. I knew Phil still loved Katy and she him, but it wasn't the same as I remember it when I first met them. Now it was more of a friendship, like brother and sister but with pieces missing. The two of them were such an amazing couple, both hot heads that didn't take anything.

As I watched the encounter between Phil and Katy, I started to get jealous. I was thankful when Randy took Phil's place and Phil walked over to me. "I'm proud that you were able to help her." Phil smiles and I quickly feel the jealousness go away.

I look over at Jon and he looks sad as he stares at Katy. I walk over to Jon and grab his arm and pull him out of the locker room. Jon throws me a puzzled look and I sigh. "You should tell her how you feel." I state.

"Tell who?" Jon asks, playing stupid.

"Katy, I know you like her."

"So? Half of the guys locker room likes her too. Doesn't mean I have any chance in hell."

"Just tell her." I state and walk back into the locker room.

Katy's POV

After talking to Phil, Randy and Cena, I felt a bit better but very tired. "Katy, are we still on for shopping for the Hall of Fame dress tomorrow?" April asked me before walking out of the locker room. I had told her yes, even though I knew I wasn't going to be up for it tomorrow.

"You boys ready to leave?" I question and the guys nod.

The guys pack up and we all walk out to the car in silence. I jump in the back seat along with Jon, and Colby takes the driver's seat this time. No one speaks on the ride to the airport and the airplane ride to New York was uneventful because I just slept.

The next day I woke up to pounding on my door. I roll out of my bed and stroll over to the door. I swing open the door and April and Joe walk in. I turn around towards them and see April's excited face and Joe's displeased face.

"Why is Joe here?" I ask and Joe turns to April.

"I'm wondering the same thing." Joe mumbles and I chuckle.

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