"Where are you going?" I ask

"We're going to the top."

"What why?"

"It's pretty to look at...don't worry I won't make you jump off." He says

"Oh okay," I say starting to follow him again

He leads us up the trail. Which really just shows I'm out of shape. It was hard. When we get to the top I have to take a second to catch my breath.

"Taylor, you good?" He asks slightly laughing

"That was a workout... how are you fine."

"I workout everyday so that was easy." He says walking over towards the edge.

I follow him and we look out over the water. He wasn't lying it's very pretty especially with the sun starting to set.

"How old are you?" I blurt out taking myself by surprise. He looks at me confused as if he wasn't expecting that.

"How old do you think I am?" He asks back

"Well you look like twenty four but you're a vampire so you're definitely not."

"Mhm...well just know I'm old enough," He says winking.

That wink causes my cheeks to heat up and my stomach to twist in knots. Why does he do this to me. Everything he does makes me want him.

He takes a seat on towards the edge of the cliff. It must be nice to be a vampire and not have to worry about falling to your death. I walk over and carefully take a seat next to him.

"You know I would catch you if you fell." He says looking over as if he knew what I was thinking. Well he did say that we have a connection now

"Because you need me alive for my blood..." I say rolling my eyes

"Well yeah there's that and I kinda like having you around. He says

"Why's that?"

"I've been around the same people basically my whole life. It's nice to have someone new around," He shrugs.

He moves closer to me then leans over and lightly presses a kiss to my lips. This time instead of kissing him back I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"Why do you keep kissing me?"

"I thought you liked it." He says moving back as if I hurt him.

"I do but you're so confusing. One minute you're telling me I shouldn't find you attractive and the next you're kissing me."

"Don't you just want to live in the moment Taylor, Why do you overthink everything?" He says causing me to get frustrated again.

"I'm not overthinking Harry, you're just careless," I say standing up.

"Careless about what?" He says looking up at me while he's sitting.

"You have so much life to live and this is the rest of my life." I say pointing between us

"You act like I'm about to just kill you. I didn't ask for this to happen. It just happened. I tried to hold off on needing to find you for as long as I could. But I'm a prince and I can't go rogue and kill people. I'm going to keep you for awhile."

"That's not comforting." I say

"I don't know what to tell you to comfort you then. This is just how it is. Every human dies Taylor-"

"I know every human dies!" I yell cutting him off

"What's the problem then?" He gets up looking at me confused

"I don't know!" I shout, "I don't want to be here anymore. I'm confused, I want to go home and live my life. I don't want to be trapped in a castle because you need me for some reason that I don't even know. I want to go home and be able to have friends and have a job and get married and have kids." I say with tears in my eyes finally realizing all the things I won't be able to do. "I'm stuck here to keep you alive. When you kiss me you confuse me because I know it's not genuine you're just horny." I say causing him to laugh

"I'm not kissing you because I'm horny," He chuckles moving closer me. "I kiss you because I like your company." He says pressing a kiss to my forehead "I kiss you because you're the only female who doesn't throw themselves at me or try to use me. You can always say no, but you don't so I assume you don't mind me kissing you." He lifts my chin up to look him the eyes.

"Well I like kissing you." I say which causes him to lean down and redo our kiss from earlier this time I kiss him back instead of stopping him.

"Are you ready to head back before it gets dark." He asks pulling away from me.

I nod my head and turn back the way we came. I realize Harry doesn't turn to lead the way.

"You don't have to jump off but I'm going off the fun way. You can come with me or walk down alone." He says smirking taking his shoes off

"We can't jump off...what about our clothes?"

"They'll dry."

"Our shoes?"

"I'll carry you back and Alejandro will go retrieve them from up here." He says pulling me towards him.

I sigh in defeat knowing I'm definitely not walking back down alone. Especially because its starting to get dark. He bends down and unties my shoes. I slip them off and walk to the edge with him.

He takes my hand and we walk all the way to the edge. I look down and I instantly get butterflies in my stomach. I never thought I would be jumping off a cliff.

"When I say go we're going to run and jump together but I'll let go of your hand before we hit the water okay?"

I nod and we walk backwards so we have enough space to have a running start. When he says go we take off running and next thing I feel is myself leaving the ground and free falling. The feeling is strange. It's like I'm falling to my death and nothing can stop me. I feel like I'm finally coming to terms that life serving Harry is my life now. This jump is me accepting that everything I did up to this point was my life before and my life now is this. I won't ever return to that life. The water comes quicker than I thought as my feet break through the water and my entire body goes under. The water is cold and it pulls me out of my thoughts. When I'm fully underwater I tread the water and pull myself towards the surface. When I come out I spot Harry coming up at the same time with a smile on his face.

"It's been a while since I've done that," He says swimming over to me. "What did you think?" He asks.

"It was actually kinda fun." I answer thinking back on how it felt as I was falling to what felt like my death.

We swim back over to the land and walk out of the water. I remind Harry that he did say he would carry me. He slightly bends down and I jump on his back. He carries me all the way back to castle as I'm soaking wet. I run my fingers through his hair since I've learned that he likes it.

When we get back to the castle Harry carries me all the way up the stairs and right to my door. I felt bad because we got the floor all wet and the maids work all day making sure the castle is nice and put together. I go into my room and get straight in the shower.

Today was strange and I'm even more confused than I was. I kind of wish the fall killed me.

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