Postman Pat's Wonderful Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Bye Pat!"

Pat drives off.

Mrs.Taylor turns around.

"Alright everyone, let's go inside and get ready for this party!"


They all go inside.

Meanwhile, Pat arrives at the post office.

"Morning Ms.Goggins!"

"Oh good morning Pat. There's only a bit of post today. Most of it seems to be some last minute Christmas presents ordered online."

"I see. You know today is Julian's Christmas party!"

"Oh how lovely! I used to love Christmas parties in school!"

"Me too. We always had cookies and watched The Snowman."

"How nice."

"Well, we better get on with the post. Come on Jess. Goodbye Ms.Goggins"

"Goodbye Pat!"

At the school, the children were so excited, that they were running all over the classroom.

"Excuse me everyone!" called Mrs.Taylor

"Let me handle this miss." said Sarah.


Everyone is silent.

"Uh, thank you Sarah." said Mrs.Taylor

"You're welcome."

"Now, I know you're all excited. I am too. But is this any way to act?"


"Right then. So, let's all put our listening ears on."

The children turn imaginary switches on the sides of their heads.

"Alright, what we're going to do first is we're all going to take a vote for which movie we're going to watch. Now I've got two movies here. I've got The Polar Express, and Arthur Christmas. Now, raise your hand for Polar Express."

Sarah, Lucy, Charlie, and Lizzie raised their hands.

"Ok, how about Arthur Christmas?"

Julian, Meera, Bill, Sarah, James, Mandy Norman, Katy, and Tom raised their hands.

"Right then, Arthur Christmas it is!"


Pat arrived at Greendale Station. He walked into the Cafe.

"Morning Nisha, morning love."

"Hello Pat!" They both say.

"Say, are those the cookies for Julian's party?" asked Pat

"Yes they are. Pat, would you mind taking them to the school for me?" asked Sara

"Of course not!" said Pat, and he grabbed the tray.

"Bye you two!" said Pat

"Goodbye Pat!" Pat and Jess leave.

Pat Soon arrived at the school. The children were still watching Arthur Christmas, being about 20 minutes in. When Mrs.Taylor saw what Pat had brought, she paused the movie.

"Everyone, Pat's brought the cookies!" said Mrs.Taylor

"HOORAY!" The children yelled

Julian ran up to Pat.


"Oh, Arthur Christmas eh? How lovely. Well, I must be off, goodbye. "

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