Noddy's Christmas

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It was a beautiful, but cold morning in Toyland, and it was just a few days before Christmas. Noddy was making a yummy breakfast, to get started with the day.

"Oh, I shalln't be hungry today with all this food! My tummy will be very full!" said Noddy

Noddy had toast and jam, and eggs and bacon.

Noddy began eating, when he heard a knock at the door.

"Who could that be?" asked Noddy

Noddy got up and walked to the door. He opened it. It was Tessie.

"Good morning Noddy."

"Oh good morning Tessie. Do come in out of the cold. I just made breakfast. Would you like to have some?"

"Oh yes please Noddy!"

They both sat at the table and began eating.

"You know Noddy, there's going to be a big dance on Christmas eve, and Father Christmas will be the judge! It's actually a Christmas party."

"Oh goodie! I shall want to go then!"

"But you see Noddy, I've no one to dance with."

Noddy sat there.

"Would you, like to erm, go to the dance with me?" Noddy turned red.

"Why I'd love to Noddy! Well this was a lovely breakfast, but I must be going. Make sure to pick me up on Christmas eve!"

"I will. Goodbye!"

Tessie leaves.

Noddy is now outside by his little car. He has red mittens and a yellow and red polka dot scarf on.

"I've lots of jobs today little car. I must put your roof up. It's very cold!"

"Parp parp!"

Noddy raised his roof, and connected it to the windscreen. Then, he got in and drove off.


Noddy was now in Toy Town. He walked up to Dinah Doll's stall.

"Good morning Noddy, and happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas to you too! I've come to get gifts for Big Ears and Tessie Bear. I'm taking her to the dance you know."

"Oh that's great Noddy! What presents do you have in mind?"

"Well, for Big Ears I'd like that book right there, the storybook. And for Tessie, erm..."

"How about this bow, and a lead for Bumpy Dog?" Dinah shows him a pink bow.

"Oh yes that is nice! How many sixpences?"

"Let's see. That'll be three sixpences. One for each gift."

"Ok. Here you are." said Noddy handing over the money.

"Thank you. I hope they enjoy the gifts!"

Noddy is now driving through Toy Town.

"I must pick up Miss Pink Cat little car. I'm taking her to the station for holiday."

Noddy soon arrives at Miss Pink Cat's house.

"Oh, took you long enough Noddy! Hully up. I do not wish to be late fol my tlain!"

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