Postman Pat's Wonderful Christmas

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It was a cold December morning in Greendale, (December 10th to be exact, remember that now) and Pat was in the bathroom with Jess, shaving.

"I expect it to be a right cold old day Jess."


"I'll have wake Julian up too. Heh, that should be fun. But I suppose he'll be more eager when he remembers his Christmas party!"


Meanwhile, Julian was asleep, completely covered with his blanket.

Pat walked in, and sat on the bed. He shook the blanket bump gently.

"Julian. Julian, it's time to get up."

"Mmm, it's too cold! Five more minutes!"

"Oh? Then I suppose I'll have to ring Mrs.Taylor and tell her you don't want to go to the Christmas party."

"Ok, I'll get up. It's still REALLY cold though, brrrr!"

"Oh thats just because you've been in bed all night. You'll get warmer."

Pat and Jess stood outside the bathroom, and a few seconds later, a flush was heard.

"Done!" said Julian. Pat came in.

Julian was now fully dressed, except for his shoes. He began to brush his teeth. When he was done, he began to comb his hair.

"Trying to look good for Meera eh?" joked Pat

"DAAD!" Julian blushed

"Hoho I'm only joking! Come on, let's go see what mum made for breakfast."

They went downstairs to the kitchen.

"PANCAKES WICKED!" said Julian. He immediately starts to eat.

"I can't wait for my party dad! We're going to watch a movie, and play games, and eat snacks!"

"Heh, looks like someone's excited!" said Sara

"Uh huh! You will bring snacks won't you mum?"

"Yes Julian, I'll bring them later."

"Mum made us cookies for the party!" said Julian

"Oh lovely!" said Pat

Soon, Julian finished his pancakes.

"C'mon dad!"

"Aren't you missing something?"

"Oh yeah my shoes! Uh, would you tie them for me?"

"Of course."

Julian walked to the living room, and sat in a chair while Pat tied his shoes.

"There you are. Now let's get you to that party eh?"


"Heh, bye you two."

Pat takes Julian to school. All the children were playing in the courtyard. Pat, Julian, and Jess all get out.

"Hi Julian!" said Merra running over

"Oh, uh, hi Meera. Are you excited for the party?"

"Yeah! I can't wait! I wonder what movie we're gonna watch!"

Then, Mrs.Taylor came out.

"Hello Pat, hello Julian." she said

"Hello Lauren. Having a party today are we?"

"Hehe, yes. The children are very excited."

"I can tell. Well, I won't keep you all waiting. I've got post to deliver. Cheerio!"

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