{RE-EDITED}Ch 5: "I am Thankful For ❤"~ [Early Thanksgiving special😃🎉🎄💜❤]

Começar do início

Speaking of "the parent praising their child" adoration.

Just four months away until Capprico gets married to the man that he loves~. Four days had also passed since the married legend's son Capprico had gotten his first Covid vaccine shot taken. Capprico has been home for a while now and started feeling the "aftershot" effects and getting a little sick from a sore arm. Prince and Michael had also been home taking care of their oldest son as Capprico had wanted his Dad's best, warm soup that all of the family loves to eat when they get sick and have a sore, runny nose.

But it's been Prince who had been up and down, checking their son to see if he was willing to eat something as Capprico is in bed rest until he gets back his strength in the next few days. It actually has been a few days ago and Capprico has been putting his much effort of strength and started getting himself ready for his "wedding dress fitting" with his fiancee and parents. Capprico wanted to be at the wedding dressing store just in time along with his parents too so that they could see this proud moment of their son.

While Prince had met up infront of his son's bedroom door, before knocking, the door was already swung open by Capprico. The young adult man, already dressed in normal outting clothes, his bushy curly brown hair, tied up in a scrunchy tie ponytail. He looks up at his Papa with slight surprise and steps out of his room.

"Oh! Hey Papa! Were you 'bout to knock for me?" Capprico spoke first as he looks up at his Papa.

Prince then leaned over onto the banister with his right hand and answered. "You're ready for your dress fitting already, Hon~?" He recalls as Capprico fully steps out of his bedroom to face his Papa as they now stand infront top of the staircase.

"Yeah, I guess I'm feelin pretty good for now. I don't feel as bad since the appointment for the shot. Are you and Daddy ready to come with us for Wayne and I's dress fitting for the wedding?" Capprico adds in as he reminds his Papa.

Prince had been dressed in light and warm magenta, angel-winged long-sleeved sweater and pants with matching one-inch stiletto heels while helping his husband Michael, who the two had been downstairs in the kitchen making his famous soup and garlic bread along with Prince's famous collard greens to see if their son wanted any and for dinner tonight as it gets colder each night here in California.

Prince gives his son a couple of nods and his small stretched smile on his lips as he speaks again. "Sounds good that you're feeling better, Hon, just thought that you were taking a nap and might want some of your father's soup. But, it looks like you're doing fine. So, we're ready downstairs for you, Baby~." Prince told his son as he then follows Capprico down the stairs to meet his dad.

"That's awesome! And nah, I'll wait until dinner. Zen just recently texted me sayin trust she'll be home soon from her hangout with her friends and crew. I'm ready to leave out how if you two are?" Capprico tells his Papa last as he looks over his right shoulder as the two Papa and son walk down the left side of the double staircases to meet Michael out to the decoy car with Bill outside the home's garage.

After confirming his son that he and his father were both ready, Capprico was also ready to go meet up with his fiancee at the wedding dressing store that Wayne had sent a location link to Capprico in a text.

Once letting their house maid Maria know that he, his husband and son will be back before dinner and the arrival of his daughter, Zen should be home before family dinner too. Prince had also told the house maid in a kind reminder, to keep an eye on the ongoing food stillwarm of Michael's homemade soup. ("Christmas soup and bread" is what Michael liked to call it as he uses the Slap Yo Mama! seasoning as his secret recipe seasoning for it's flavor~.)

(DISCONTINUED) Future Us Prichael Vol. 3|Mature PrichaelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora