"You forgot?" Grandma asks. I tilt my head, "forgot about what?" I ask. "No one going to answer?" I ask them. I look around the house, balloons, and confetti scattered on the floor, there's also a banner but I can't read it since I didn't wear my contact lens.

"Uncle Hunter? What's going on?" I look at him puzzled by this situation I found myself. "It's your birthday" he finally said. See you just have to speak, it's only my birthday, wait-  what?!

"MY BIRTHDAY?! RIGHT NOW?!" I ask. They all nod and giggle at my reaction. Seriously the symptoms are showing up, I even forgot the date of my birthday.

Mom walk to my place with a cake, they all sing to me, I look at Paul, how am I going to tell them this time? I don't want to ruin the mood.

I blow the candles, I take one good wish; let me enjoy the moment before it last. The only wish I want, I didn't wish for my health knowing it won't get any better, I already accept my fate.

I found myself with my friends talking about something, I just stare at them, memorizing how they laugh and tease each other. I look at Paul who's laughing his ass off. I glance around to find my uncles and aunties having a good time, mom and grandma talking about something. I glance at the sky, stars shining so bright with the beautiful moon.

I let myself enjoy, we dance, eat, even though I'm tired I didn't show it. Paul is there to assist me. It's my 18th birthday. I didn't wish to mom an elegant celebration, just being in the house with my loved ones is enough for me. But here they are being extra.

The sounds play, every man has a rose in their hands. Uncle Robert dance me first. They doing the 18 roses. I'm not prepared I only wear Paul's clothes.

They dance and sway with me, we didn't do the formal one, we're just being a goof. My hands are full of white roses. Until we reach for the last, it's Paul. We do the same thing we did last night.

The music stopped playing, but we keep on dancing. My green eyes locked on his brown eyes. Hands-on his shoulder while his hands are on my waist. We keep dancing like we are in our little world. Trying to escape this cruel place.

The beat of our hearts is loud enough to be the music, the stars are enough to be the light on the night, his hands are enough to keep me safe.

We heard the cheers and whistles from everyone in the house. Mom and Aunt Lizzie look in awe. Cheers are getting loud when we hug that cause us to giggle.

The party started, loud music covered my ears. I just sit there, watching them. Until my friend pulls me to the floor to dance, Paul looks at me if it's okay and I nod. We dance the night away.

We lost the track of time, my heart is burning again, giving me hard time to breath. I excuse myself from the crowd. Not now.

I cough on my hands to silence the noise coming out, feeling the contractions in my chest, my throat is already aching. Gladly Paul is with me, he hands me water. "You look pale, Ada. Sit first then try to take a deep breath" he instructs. I do what he said, but every time I take a breath I only cough hard.

I'm starting to feel dizzy, I hold firmly on the table. "Tell me if you can't handle it okay? Squeeze my hand if yes" he said. I nod which is a wrong move. 

I cough more, this time it's hard and I can't breathe. Mom rushed to the kitchen seeing me in this state. I can't take it anymore. "What's going on?" She asks, taking Paul's place. I feel her warm hands melting my cold sorrow.

A cough one last time in my hands, my eyes widen on what I saw. Blood.

"Oh my God." Mom said alarmingly. She gets a tissue and wipes my hands. She held my cheeks, to see more blood come out to my mouth.

"We're going to the hospital" mom announced. "I get the car ready" I heard aunt Liz shout.

"Just a squeeze of my hand, Ada. You don't have to keep the strong front. Just squeeze my hand" Paul said. I can't. I can't move any limbs of my body.

I heard people around starting to panic because of me, I ruined the moment. I always ruin everything. I keep messing up the good things have. There is no one else to blame but myself.

I can't take it, it is too much, the pain is too much. I slightly squeezed Paul's hand, wishing he feel it. He looks at me, one last look before I close my eyes. 

"It's too early. Go home. Come back home. You do not belong here, Ada. Your way too early to join me here." 


This happens to me, I forgot my birthday until Google greet me. Everything will be fine, I guess? I love playing with death.

See you in the next chapter

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