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 (the only reason I'm writing this is to express myself on here so please don't judge) 2019... I remember having a huge crush on this one boy he was dreamy had wavy hair brown eyes like a few inches shorter than me but whatever he had a light skin tone ughh...just dreamy I had had a crush on him for like a few years already but you know the cutest boys and most popular as well are always taken and well I just had to deal with the fact that he was never going to be anything in my life soo.. it turns out I was correct a few more years passed and I lost interest in him btw I was in 6th haha I know way too early anyway then I got to 7th grade I seriously thought 7th grade was going to be a blast but like always im wrong turns out during thru the whole year i was an unpopular kid who fell in love and had parents who never let me do anything dosent that sound GREAT!!... i had to deal with this ever since i started middle i was never allowed to go out yet still can't go anywhere, I seriously fell in love with a GIRL! Like I don't know what I was thinking ..she was currently dating someone but seriously A GIRl. Anyways after I figured I liked her a lot I ended u ignoring it as well because like always I'm the unpopular girl no one likes. The sad part is I had 1 class with her and sometimes the teacher would assign seats right next to each other I would freak out most of the time...but I mean not just because I was unpopular meant I wasn't going to be a total mess I made excuses to get up and go to the restroom every 5 minutes or I would do something stupid to be sent out of class to not sit next to her I don't know why I just found it terribly hard to talk and communicate with her although she tried to talk to me...only to get me wayy to caught up making me think she liked me when she didn't =(  <yes she teases me trying to make me fall for her little games although it always works. I haven't had contact with her because I'm a virtual student but I'm pretty sure if I were to go back I would fall in love with her once more and she would tease with her games that she does to make me catch feelings way too many to the point where I ask her to hang out and then rejects me. 

SIMPLY MEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora