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                                      (This is how I think Amihan would look but a few changes of course)

            (Carla's POV)

                                  After talking more on the subject that landed us in family counseling Ms.Abels came up with a way that would likely work better to help us through this."I think it would be best if we had you guys do these sessions separately like Sebastian and Carla together, and we have Maud and Clotilda together. This will help with privacy so certain things that are meant for only one certain person get to be more or less heard and to help find what is the main disturbance for those two people I'm hoping this will help you much better." She said helping us get our stuff ready as she walked us to the door as she did to the last people, looking out the door it looked to be 6-7, in reality, it was a nice autumn afternoon maybe 4-5 still the sun still up but close to sundown the air made it feel like a nice summer sunset but it was still almost in the middle of the day as we walked back to the car it was like some weight was lifted whither it was the tension or the emotions we carried into the office but a new weight was there but it felt less awkward more real honest these sessions were more than perfect more things made sense now I can see why I felt so lost for so long and that felt rewarding something that should have been so clear to me was hiding its true meaning for so long and finding out made more sense than anything else I knew like finding a new piece of myself.

                        After getting to the house we were greeted by a tall woman talking to Scarlett next to her car again Alex was nowhere in sight probably handling business with Nathen and the others. Turning attention back to the other woman who looked similar to me with long somewhat curly blonde and a mix of black strands of hair, pale skin, green eyes with a mix of blue but that really wasn't really noticeable until you got close up.                                                                                                                                                                 It was Polina my cousin she is almost a year older than me and just loves to rub it in my face, well when we talked more its been years since I've talked to her, Mauds has only seen her twice at some fancy donation parties we helped host, she was overly open and social. I liked having her around but we haven't talked in a while and I'm not too close to that side of the family if any extended family of ours really, so I kind of only talked to her. As soon as the car stopped I jump out to greet her Maud looked confused but not as much as Sebastian and Clotilda. Who both neither really knew here one never meeting her, and the other only seeing her little to none or maybe he forgot she existed like me."Hey what are you doing here I haven't seen you in years it's been what 6-7 years since we even talked, you could've at least called me you have my number."She turned around with a smile and walked over slowly going for a hug as she got closer but in instinct, I dodged her and almost ran from her as she turned around confused she soon looked amused by what I did."So you are still a low social shut-in, then again I didn't expect much from you but you did change a bit like the new look girl boss."She said a smile on her face she turned and looked at the others who still sat by the car she smiled at first but then dropped it when she saw Sebastian then she turned to Clotilda looking surprised."You didn't tell me there was a mini you now."She isn't a mini-me she's my sister."Clotilda soon piped up amusing Polina's new discovery by saying."I like the term of her legal daughter more, my name is Clotilda and I didn't know there was a life-size Carla either so nice to meet you."She looked confused about what to call her before she got her answer."Polina it's been what close to 15-16 years since I've seen you or your family what are you doing here."Sebastian said in surprise with Maud who almost looked to be agreeing with him almost as confused but clearly glad to see her."Looking to stay for a while actually, I have some business in Cascade city you always said I could come to see you when I needed to and a partner of yours has some business with me so who better to go to then you."She said a big smirk on her face as she turned back to me almost looking like she was going to attempt that hug again but this time she was somewhat successful. She smelt of lavender and what did she call it calming orange flower, I think not fully sure though but the almost sour citrus smell was so familiar to me."Of course, you can stay where are your things I can help you bring them inside you can stay in one of the guest bedrooms."I said heading to the house going to the car that she once stood by thinking I'd see her things in the backseat or the trunk open with her suitcases inside."No, it's fine Scarlett helped me already I just need somewhere to put my stuff."We walked to the house talking about how long she'd be staying how she met Abitha and when they started conducting business when Polina asked something I wished she hadn't said in front of Clotilda or anyone at all."So you got contacts after all brown does look better on you like I thought, also what's up with you and the little you when did that happen you just went and adopted your little sister. Why though you hate your dad it must have sucked having such a big memory of him around for so long."I looked at her bitterly biting my tongue she sure did ask a lot of questions and she still didn't know when to read the room and shut her mouth, how could she say something so insensitive about Clotilda like that to her face.

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