The worst part

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                                                       (A reference picture to how Carla looks but more serious and a few features are different of course but this is just to give you a base on her look for now)

            (Carla POV)

                                    As we walked out to the dinner table everything was done and ready to be placed out to eat I hear a knock on the door and was going to open it but I was beaten by Sebastian and Maud as they open the door to see. Nathen Larrsons, his daughter Catey with her baby Marly wears a fluffy jacket with candy designed into it the same one that I had bought her for her 3rd birthday. They came in rubbing their shoes on the doormat even if it seemed like nothing showed to fall, with smiles they came to give me a big bear hug the toddler stared at me with a look of curiosity and almost as if she knew me. I hope so I was there when she was born, all her birthdays, and even helped plan/pay for her baby shower she better remember me. As her stare got more intense she finally smiled and reached out for me calling me." Carla, Carla." she called in a soft not fully formed way. With a sudden glow to her soft tan skin cheeks almost a rosy red from the burst of happiness, energy, and cold weather, I leaned down a smile on my face as she grabbed at me wanting me to pick her up, bring the small girl into my arms swinging her around her tightly soft curls bouncing as I carried her, before turning to Nathen and Catey with a huge smile that almost hurt from the stress I was feeling. "I didn't know you guys were coming, I would've made some of your favorite foods for you."They smiled as if expecting me to go overboard on my hosting seeing as I've done it more than even I can count, I can say there were some good things I picked up on from Sebastian and some things I'm less than proud of. Lying-easy, hosting any kind of event-takes time but I will go overboard if it means others' enjoyment, and getting away with really anything-playing innocent wasn't something I'm proud of but it worked.

                                                          As everyone went to sit at the table the Larrsons confirmed they would be staying for dinner but that they had to talk to me for a second. As we went off to the side far from the living room from the kitchen, they looked like they knew something important than it clicked Maud looked through my phone for their number, didn't she. They had a look of concern then of certainty like at that moment they decided what they were going to do."We're going to be beside you when the 'Talk' happens ok we can't let you do this alone, even if the others are there we still need backup just in case you try to attack or even mauled Sebastian, metaphorIcally and literally for both parts." I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of these two holdings me back as I try attacking Sebastian from across the room, the thought was funny but a little too true to take risks. Especially in front of the others, and I know that this conversation is going to get ugly quickly, I loved having everyone even if it meant I was stuck with Sebastian for a few days. It was close to bearable even if this was going to be a crap show soon I don't mind letting everything off my chest to everyone in evolved those who know and those who don't.

                            As dinner started everyone could feel the change in the room, as everyone talked and kept saying how good the food was for a second it felt perfect I wish we didn't have to let time take this away even with him just across the table at the other end I still felt calm somehow. We talk and acted like a real family like a normal one almost more than perfect, then the doorbell rang I got up not expecting more people to arrive. When I opened it though I was more than surprised to see Cleo, in a nice coat with a thin scarf on, a smile on her face she looked like how the others did when they heard the news. I couldn't help but hug her tightly a smile on my face, even after all this time, even after all the sh*t I put her through she is still so forgiving, and loving. More than I could ever be, maybe that's why I envied her, she wasn't perfect, and she didn't have to be, and still, somehow she was happy with that. Everything I did had to be perfect either if it was for me to prove I was worth more than I was told, or to make Sebastian look good to dinner guests or when he would drag me around to those charity balls that just seemed like a fancy gala for rich people to show off and seem like good people. He always loved to boast about my awards, achievements but was never there for any of them from fighting tenements, competitive music events at school, or gun aiming  I don't even wanna know why that one was legal they could of at least let us use rubber bullets, but then again I was the only teenager there.

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