Chapter 1

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Dakotas POV

It all begins with me and my little twin sister, Brittany, planning an escape by the age of 14. Being the oldest and getting more of the “Punishments” from our abusive, drunk, parents was not easy since we got them every day and sometimes for stupid reasons. Such as not matching our socks. Sometimes me and my sister thought that it was all a game they loved to play. It was rare if we had friends over or if we saw or parents sober. Only having 3 friends was rough on us. We got bullied for having ripped up clothes and bruises up and down our bodies. You’re probably wondering how we made it through without wanting to end our lives. Well being a goodie two shoes wasn’t really a thing that involved ending our lives. So here I am with my twin sister getting thrown in our rooms by our parents. “You stupid fools” Our mother spat at us and slammed the door and locking it. I smirked at my sister and told her to grab our packed duffle bags and head to the window. I made sure the coast was clear by checking the keyhole. I looked through and saw our lazy ass parents fucking on the couch. I scoffed and headed towards the window. I slowly and quietly took out the glass and placed on the floor. I threw our bags on the cold wet grass. I jumped out first and landed with a soft ‘oomph’. I looked around making sure no one saw us. I nodded at my sister but she didn’t budge. “Come on Britt, we have to go before they catch us” “I’m too scared Dakota” We heard barking and she got scared and finally jumped out. As soon as she got to the ground she picked up her duffle bag as did I and we ran to our friend Jacob Wrights house hopping to seek shelter. Jacobs’s mom gladly accepted but they soon kicked us out at the age of 16 due to me spitting in a police officer’s face. After us getting kicked out I worked nearly 3 jobs to afford a little 2 bedroom apartment. I guess you can say that I changed a lot after all this happened, but riding a motorcycle, changing my hair style, wearing dark make-up, and being a “Badass” wasn’t really a change for me.

4 years later Present day

Brittany’s POV

“This sucks ass Mr.Bowlding” I said pissed off that I got in trouble yet again for getting into a fight. “LANGUAGE MISS LANE” he yelled at me. I scoffed and turned around at the sound of the office door opening. I turned around to see two hot guys. One had black hair that was to his ears with a lip piercing and one nail painted red. ‘Ok then’ I thought. The other looked kinda like a girl with his amber brown hair that was shoulder length. They both had multiple tattoos. EVEN SEXIER. They walked up to the counter and said they were new. “AW yes, Mr. Cole and Mr.Wayne it’s a pleasure to meet you both. I laughed at how he was buttering them up. “um Janet get them their schedules and” But he stopped looking around but his eyes finally stopped on me “And Mrs. Lane  will show you around” “Fuck you, no I won’t” I said glaring at the principle. “LANGUAGE MISS LANE” I chuckled and got up and grabbed both of their schedules and walked out the door without saying a word. I was about halfway down the hallway where their lockers were but when I turned around I heard “WAIT” I rolled my eyes and turned around and saw them running to me. As soon as they got to me I walked over to their lockers. “Hey whats your guys names” I said so I can show them which locker is. The one with brown hair said “Im Justin and that’s Asher” he said putting his hand out for a handshake. I looked at it and laugh and pointed Asher towards the locker next to mine and Justin next to my sister, Dakotas, locker. After that I showed them all their classes then lead them to the lunchroom.

(A/N: Justin and Asher on the side)

Living the Biker Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें