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November 17, 1976

Victoria was woke by her owl, making noises by scratching her cawls on her stand.

"What now, Ivy?" Victoria asks, getting up.

Ivy had a letter in its mouth, and gave it to Victoria.

Victoria looked at it, and sighed, seeing it was five letters.

"Great." Victoria say's, and sits back down, opening the letter from her mother.

              Dear Victoria, happy birthday my sweet girl. I can't believe your 17 already, It feels like it was yesterday I could carry you in my arms, and sing lullaby's to you. My Victoria, I am grateful for you and your brother for coming into our lives, we all needed you, and now, since Sirius decided to go with those Potter, and mudbloods. But beside that I love you, Victoria.

                            Love, mummy dearest

Victoria sighed, thinking about her last birthday.

Victoria grabbed the next letter from Bellatrix, she shifted but opened it and read.

                   Dear my youngest sister, I am so happy you are coming of age now. Mum and dad can't wait  for you and Edward to become death eaters. Anyway, happy birthday my little sister, you were always my favourite.

                         Love , Trixy

Victoriq shudder at Bellatrixs handwriting, and how it doe snot look real someway.

She picked up the next letter that was from Narcissa, and started reading.

                        Dear Tori, it has only been 16 years you have been in all of our lives, but I must say having you in my life has been amazing Tori, so happy birthday, dear sister.

                           Love, Cissy

Victoria smiled, ahppy to see her older sisters handwriting again, then grabbed the next one.

Victoria read through them all, and smiled at Andromedas, but her fathers.

She puts all the letters on her bed, and gets ready for a new adventure.


Victoria was in potions, waiting for Greg to come, but never did.


Victoria looked up, and saw Slughorn.

"Yes, professor?" Victoria asked, and gave him a smile.

"Is your partner not here?" Slughorn asks, as Victoria shakes her head,"Why don't you join Mr.Potter, and Mr.Black." He says, as Victoria shakes her head again,"It'll be alright, dear." He says, as Victoria grabs her stuff, and walks over to them.

"Need something, cousin?" Sirius asks, as Victoria rolls her eyes.

"Mclaggen isn't here yet, so I have to join you." Victoria say's, as Sirius turns and looks at James, who was just staring at Victoria,"So, her eI am." She says, as the cousins laugh, then it slowly dies down.

"Just pretend she isn't here." Sirius says, as James nods, and they start.

James and Sirius worked, as Victoria tried and looked at what they were doing.

"What are you doing?" Victoria asks, as Sirius rolls his eyes.

"A potion, cousin." Sirius says, making it sound obvious.

"What kind, Sirius?" Victoria asks, as the two glare at each other.

"Amortentia." Sirius says, as Victoria nods.

"Can I smell?" Victoria asks, as James moves a side to let her.

"Test it." James says, as Victoria smells it.

"I smell cherries." She says, as they nod,"Quitditch pitch." She says, as the boys nod again,"And..." Victoria stops, and smells it again to see if she was correct,"And flowers." She says, as they nod.

"Nice." Sirius says, and walks away from them.

"So." James says, as Victoria grabs a spoon and starts playing with it,"Happy birthday." James says, as she looks up at him, and nods.

"Thanks." She says, as he nods, and grabs her hand.

"I have something I want to show you." James says, as Victoria looks down at their hands, then back at him.

"Fine, only because I'll be bored the rest of the day." She says, as Sirius comes back, and they let go.


Victoria was with Edward, as they talked about there last birthdays.

"Remember that time mum and Andy came home looking wet." Edward says, as Victoria laughs, and nods.

"And then dad yelled at them because, they didn't have a cake." Victoria says, as Edward laughs,"Just imagine our last birthday toghter." She says, as he shakes his head.

"That'll never happen." Edward says, as Victoria nods, and sighs,"We will still celebrate veen after we marry." He says, as Victoria grabs her jacket,"Me and Alyssa, and you and James." Edward says, as Victoria hides her cheeks, from Edwrad seeing her cheeks.

"Shut up." She says, and hits his arm,"I am destined to marry Regulus." She says, as Edward nods,"I might become aunt Walburga if I marry him." She says, as they both laugh.

"I have to meet Alyssa." Edward says, as Victoria nods,"I'll see you." Edward says, and kisses Victoria's cheek.

Edward walks away fro her, and Victoria takes a turn.


It was night, and Victoria was walking to the black lake.

"Just imagine, you tell James you'll be marrying Regulus, and-"

Victoria looked towards the black lake, and saw lights, roses, a cake, and more.

"Woah." Victoria say's, walking closer.

"Knew you would, like it."

Victoria turns towards the tree, and sees James.

"Well, you remembered my favorite flower." She says, and picks up, the flower,"I would've thought you forgot about all of this." She says, as James chuckles, as they both sit down.

"How can I ever forget anything  about you?" He asks, as she shakes her head an chuckles,"I love the necklace." He says, pointing to the feather necklace.

"Thanks." She says, picking it up a bit,"My mum gave it to me, since my grandmother gave it to her." She says, playing around with it.

"Well I think it's lovely, V." He says, as Victoria smiles,"Just like you are." He says, as Victoria grabs his cheek, and James grabs hers.

"James." Victoria say's, as he nods,"I love you..."


To be continued...

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