Chapter 18 - Revelation

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Next day at the Tai Chen Palace:

After breakfast, everyone gathered in Dijun's study. Dijun had asked Chong Lin to take Gun Gun to Ah-Li's palace.

Xiao Bai brought tea for everyone and they started talking.

"Old bird, why do I feel like you know something about what happened to Xiao Bai in the Demon Realm"?, Dijun asked getting straight to the point. He wasn't someone who liked to beat around the bush.

Zhe Yan was a little taken aback, but having worked with Dijun, he had expected something like this. He chuckled and said, "Yes, Dijun. You are right. I know the reason Xiao Bai manifested immense firepower. I am willing to explain all that to you, but I need you to do two things before I start. First of all, put a strong privacy shield around this place. I will explain the reason for that shortly. And second, please keep an open mind about what I am going to say. Please hear me out completely before you say anything."

Dijun proceeded to put a privacy shield around them and signaled Zhe Yan to continue.

Zhe Yan began to talk, "If you all remember, 30,000 years ago the world was in chaos. Dong Hua was busy unifying the realms and subduing Miao Luo. We were all fighting battles alongside him. Seeing all the massacre everywhere, something in my heart was becoming very restless. As you know I am the last of my kind, a Phoenix Immortal High God. I was worried I would not be able to pass on my powers to anyone, because of the war and also because of my life choices.", he shrugged looking at Bai Zhen and smiling. Bai Zhen face showed a hint of color rising. He lowered his eyes as Zhe Yan shook his head continued.

"Well, it worried me a lot. I had this desire to pass on a part of my core to next generation. At that time I learned that Bai Yi's wife was expecting a child. Bai Yi's father, Bai Zhi asked me to be her physician. I had saved his life in the war and that is when we had grown close to each other as brothers. An idea slowly began to take shape in my head. I knew Bai Yi's child would be a powerful immortal - with a white nine tailed fox for a father and red fox for a mother. I went through endless hours of reading old medical books and decided to act on my urge. I made a request to Bai Zhi. After some deliberation, Bai family agreed to my request - they let me implant my phoenix core on the unborn baby. "

Zhe Yan paused. He saw that Feng Jiu was thoroughly confused. Bai Zhen had heard all this before, so he was watching Dijun and Dihou's reaction.

"Did you help deliver the baby then?", Dijun asked. Again, guessing rest of the story and getting straight to the point.

Zhe Yan chuckled again and shook his head. "You are right in your thinking, Dijun. As their physician, I helped deliver the baby. The baby was a nine-tailed red fox with fiery Phoenix wings.  She was truly breathtakingly beautiful, someone so precious like we had never seen before. Her mom and I both of us felt guided to protect her. Between the both of us, we decided that I should seal the Phoenix powers in her. We also did this to protect the royal family of Qing Qui from misunderstandings and gossip. I knew doing something like this was unheard of even for open minded immortals like the citizens of Quing Qui. Even in Bai family very few believed our experiment would succeed so magnificently. So for the sake of the family's reputation, and the baby's safety I did that. When they saw the baby as a red nine-tailed fox, they all believed that our little experiment of passing on the core did not go as expected. They thought the only thing the baby got was a birthmark."

Feng Jiu's eyes were as big as saucers. She unknowingly touched her birthmark, biting her lips. Her action did not go unnoticed by her husband and his breath almost faltered.

"When we brought the both of you out of star light ward, I wanted to unseal the core to help you recover faster. But at first you were too badly wounded for me to try anything like that. By the time you recovered enough, your husband had recovered completely and he did not leave you out of sight even for a moment. So, I decided to leave it be and let you heal naturally.", Zhe Yan continued making Feng Jiu blush.

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