Chapter 8 - Wedding Invitation

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Today they had decided to work in the forge. Chong Lin had come over with Ah-Li and they had stayed over. Chong Lin, Ah-Li, and Gungun had busied themselves with exploring the place. Dijun and Xiaobai had decided to work on another sword design they had come up with.

"I remember we used to work like this in the mortal realm. The emperor's tomb in your kingdom was a safe place for the Soul Locking Jade. You had wanted to upgrade the safety mechanisms there and I was helping you with that.", Xiaobai recalled fondly.

"Um? I still can't get over all that you went through, for me. You even went to experience misfortunes with me in the mortal realm. Despite everything you went through, why did you still come to Star Light ward to save me?", he asked her, his low voice full of surprise and immense love.

Feng Jiu shrugged. "Don't I always come to save you, Dijun? I always protect the ones I love. It's what my aunt taught me.", she replied simply.

"Xiao Bai, there are always people who seek protection from me. You are quite different.", said Dijun, his eyes showing his sincerity.

"Maybe I am silly.", she laughed trying to make light of it.

"No. You are good. Just good. So good that I don't know how to treat you.", Dijun pulled her close and said.

She pulled her head back and looked at him quizzically. "Did you know you said the same thing to me when you were experiencing misfortune in the mortal realm?"

"Did I? I had taken the amnesia water, so I don't remember. But after I had returned, for several days I would get weird dreams. Dreams about a woman in white. Her dressing up as a soldier and saving me on a battlefield. We falling in a lake. Me being totally in love with her. Me arresting her due to a misunderstanding and then getting together when everything cleared up. At last, that woman jumped off a cliff and I was so heartbroken, I could not continue living.", Dijun said.

"Really? That was exactly what happened to us when you were Song Xuaren and I was your wife Bai Xiaojiu! But how could the dreams come even after taking amnesia water?", she was really confused.

"Hmmm, I don't know. But these dreams stopped after I met you at heaven's gate during your aunt's wedding ceremony. I thought they stopped because after meeting you, my thoughts were so full of you. I would often find my thoughts drifting towards how you had looked or how you had moved or what you had said. I'd play even our little encounters over and over in my head without even realizing I was doing that. When Lian Song told me that you were the one who accompanied me to experience misfortunes, I understood better. The dreams stopped because I no longer needed to look for the woman. She was right in front of me.", Dijun said.

Feng Jiu looked at her husband with pure love in her eyes. So he had liked her since then? "How ironic!", she said, "For hundreds of years, I did so many things just to get noticed by you. Nothing worked. I kinda accepted that my fate would be to love you from afar and never be able to get close to you. I was so afraid of getting hurt again, so I resolved to pull myself back after our trial in the mortal realm. I decided to intentionally pull away from you. And when I did that, you really noticed me."

"Ironic indeed!", said Dijun, "I wish I had paid a little more attention to you early on. We wasted so much time and my actions put you through too much pain. I will spend the rest of my existence making up for it, Xiao Bai. I love you so much.". He hugged her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She snuggled close to him and they stayed that way for several minutes just hearing each other's heartbeats.

A bird chirping on the window disturbed their moment of peace and they moved away from each other. The bird had a message for Dijun. Dijun thanked the little bird and turned to Feng Jiu. "Xiao Bai, looks like we are invited to a wedding and that too in Demon Realm, of all the places. Yan Chiwu and Ji Heng are getting married. What do you think? Should we go?", he asked her.

"Hmm. I think we should go. Whatever happened in the past with Ji Heng, we need to put that behind us. Yan has been like a brother to me and he also helped you while you were taking care of Miao Luo. I think attending their wedding will be the perfect time to reconcile, wish them well and move on. Also, it will be good for Gungun to learn about different clans and their varied cultures. So all in all, I think all three of us should go.", Feng Jiu replied.

"I see your point. All right, let's attend the event. It's in three weeks from now. Just so you know, the environment in the demon realm is significantly different from anything you or Gungun have ever experienced. For the wedding ceremony, we will need to stay there at least for three days, so let's consider that when we make travel arrangements. I will work with you to plan accordingly.", he told her.

"I wonder what it will be like. I can't wait to meet Yan. He has been dreaming about this all his life. I am sure he will be over the moon. What gifts should we prepare? I want to make something nice for them. Something by which they will remember us fondly. Give me some suggestions, Dijun.", Feng Jiu asked smiling excitedly.

"Xiao Bai, I am being torn between getting jealous on seeing you care so much about another man and being delighted to see you so happy.", Dijun chuckled, "Only you can do this to me, my Xiǎo húlí.", he continued nuzzling her nose.

"Come on, Dijun. No matter how much I care about others, it can never compare to how much I love you. You have absolutely no need to be jealous of anyone. Ever.", Xiao Bai replied with a sincere look in her eyes. Dijun pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

"Hmm... Let me think then. Quing Qui is famous for silk fabrics and beautiful embroidery. How about we make them a pair of regal attires? You will be going there not only as his friend but also as the Queen of Quing Qui. You should consider that while giving gifts. From Tai Chen palace, I will arrange for a good multipurpose weapon for Yan and jewelry for his bride, to match the outfits you put together. That way you will have gifted them something as the Empress of Tai Chen palace too. What do you think?", he asked still hugging her close.

"That's a great idea. I will send a message to Quing Qui today itself. I will request my mom to personally see the making of these attires. She is an ace dressmaker herself.", Feng Jiu said burying herself in his chest.

"Sounds good, Xiao Bai.", said Dijun trying rather unsuccessfully, to not get distracted by her closeness. When he tightened the embrace, she understood his intentions very clearly but smiled and moved away. He pouted, pulled her close again, and whispered in her ear. "Why is my beautiful Dihou moving away from me? I want you... Let me have you..." She blushed profusely and stammered, "Dijun, please. Let's behave. We are not in our bed chambers and we have people visiting. Someone might drop by..." She wiggled out of his embrace and quickly went to the other side of the table to work, blushing all over and not being able to meet his eyes. Dijun sighed and said, "I have to teach you to be a little more shameless around me. All in good time... All in good time, my blushing bride." Xiao Bai made a face and only managed to say, "Dijun, please..." Reluctantly he decided to give up for now.

From there on they continued working on the weapon. They had gotten so attuned to each other, that their activities perfectly complemented one another. By mid-morning, the basic structure was ready.

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