Mericcup Fans

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Aside from the war between Jackunzel and Jelsa, there’s the Hiccstrid/Mericcup War. However, Hiccstrid and Mericcup isn’t as bad as Jackunzel and Jelsa. Hiccstrid is canon while Mericcup isn’t. It’s okay to ship Hiccup with anyone besides Astrid and I have nothing against people who ship him with Merida. However, Hiccup and Merida are better off as friends. Nothing more. Mericcup fans aren’t as extreme as Jelsa and Jackunzel but they’re no better. Some treat the fanon couple like it’s an actual one and make Astrid look like the villain who wants to ruin Hiccup and Merida’s relationship. Why can’t you portray the rival as someone who got hurt? I’ve seen Jelsa comics where Rapunzel was heartbroken but later apologized for her actions. She showed remorse after she asked Merida to get rid of Elsa.

There isn’t anything else to complain about Mericcup other than fans wanting to have a crossover film of How to Train your Dragon and Brave and have Hiccup get together with Merida. That’s how crazy this fandom have gotten.

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