Jackunzel and Jelsa War

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The reason I can’t stand the Big Four fandom is because they started the whole Jackunzel versus Jelsa War. It’s amusing to watch these fangirls go at it with each other but it can get annoying. I hate how they made Elsa and Rapunzel fight over a guy. It’s totally out of their character and in all honesty, I don’t see Elsa fawning over Jack. Jelsa fans butchered Rapunzel’s character and think that she’s a threat to Jack and Elsa’s relationship. They turned her into this temptress trying to steal Jack away from Elsa. Rapunzel isn’t my favorite character, but she’s not like that. She wouldn’t steal another girl’s boyfriend and Elsa doesn’t own him. I can imagine Rapunzel saying, “Jack Frost is cute but I’m already married to Flynn.” It’s not Rapunzel and Elsa fighting over Jack, it’s the fangirls fighting over an animated guy.

Jelsa fans, leave Jackunzel alone and let them like what they want to. Not everyone want Jack to be with Elsa and she wasn’t the first one who’s been shipped with him. If you don’t like Jack and Rapunzel together, don’t watch their videos on YouTube, look for their fan pages, and don’t search for Jackunzel fan art.

I saw a picture where Jack chose Rapunzel over Elsa. She would say, “You can have him for all I care.” It’s not only out of her character, but they’re defeating the whole purpose of the movie. Elsa doesn’t need a man and Jack isn’t a man, he’s a fun-loving boy

The funny thing is, I never heard of Jackunzel (and The Big Four in general) until this war happened. I was aware of Jarida since both movies came out in 2012.

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