" There's dinner- are you hungry? " he asked and I shook my head no.

" Have you eaten today? " he asked and I nodded but looking at him he didn't believe me.

" I'll bring you something " he said and I shook my head no before sitting up.

I moved the blanket off me and saw a small pool of blood.

I looked at my thigh and it was bleeding through the bandage.

" Wait don't move " dad said and went somewhere.

I closed my eyes and laid back down ready to sleep but it didn't even last a whole thirty seconds before he called my name.

I ignored it- well tried to but he called my name again.

" yes? " I asked with my eyes still closed.

" Are you in pain? " he asked and I looked at him like he was dumb.

" No duh " I said sarcastically and he pulled out his phone.

" What are you doing? " I asked him and he didn't reply.

I slowly moved my leg and hesitantly stood up on my other foot which didn't last long because I almost fell.

I balanced myself and started limping to the door but mom walked in and spoke.

" What are you doing up?! " she asked a little too loudly and I shrugged my shoulders.

" Walking to the door, what are you doing up? " i asked sarcastically.

" I'm sorry about what went down yesterday, they were just in shock and- "

" Oh making excuses for them? " I asked dryly.

" Yes I run the Brazilian mafia and no I wasn't the reason you guys got shot at because I have no beef with anyone " I added on.

" I know.. " she said softly.

" What's the dinner? "

" I made sauce-berry steak and rice "

" Oh yeah- cool I'm hungry " I said and sat in the wheelchair.

For this not to hit any major arteries I sure as hell am in pain.

Hopefully I start feeling better after a few days because not being able to walk is really killing my vibe..

and my schedule.

" I'll go fix you some food " Mom said going to the door.

" I'll go get you some bandages and stuff " he said following and before they could fully walk out Natalie burst in.

A Few Mins Ago :: Natalie

" So i was thinking.. " I said looking at Aurora but she wasn't looking at me.

I was about to kiss her but she turned her head.

Damn- I got curved.

" What's wrong? " I asked feeling worried.

I hope she isn't mad.

" I have to tell you something " she said and that didn't help my worries at all because it seemed really serious.

" Okay.. what is it? " I asked and she didn't answer.

" Look babe it's okay.. whatever it is can't be that bad " I said softly.

" I- no sh- wait I.. " she paused and i grabbed her hands.

" She kissed me and I kissed her back but it was less than 2 seconds- I swear! " she said quickly and I almost didn't hear her.

" What..? " I asked moving away from her.

" I'm sorry " she said with tears in her eyes.

" How could you- no " I said in disbelief and walked out the room.

I can't believe it.

She told me that she didn't have feelings for her and yet here she is kissing her when she literally has a girlfriend and not to mention Aurora does.. ME!

I grew angry and walked to her door and bursted through the door.

" what the fuck man? " i asked and her parents looked at me like i was crazy.

" Weren't you guys going downstairs? " lorelai asked looking at me and I stared at her.

I felt her parents look at me before leaving the room and a few seconds after I slammed the door.

" I'm assuming she told you " she said and i walked up to her and slapped her.

" Well that's one way for you to put your hands on me " she said sarcastically.

" YOU KISSED MY GIRL FRIEND! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN AND YOU FUCKING GO AND DO THIS?! " I yelled and she slowly got out of her wheel chair.

A/N: mind you- Natalie is still in front of her

" Is that really what this is about? " she asked holding onto the arm on the chair.

" YOU ARE A FUCKING- " I got cut off by her kissing me.

I quickly pulled away and she winked at me.

" Now we're even, close my door when you leave " she said and sat back down.

I looked at her with disgust and she gave me a small smile.

" don't act like you didn't like it " she said in a cocky tone and i turned around and left.

1224 words in this ^

It's 3:36 am- I'm tired soooo .

Oh and I have a interracial book out now, go read if you want ❤️.

We meet again IIWhere stories live. Discover now