Protective Tom

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Y/N, Tom Hiddleston and a few of the other marvel actors were at an exclusive party. Y/N dressed in an attractive black dress with a slit down the thigh and Tom wearing a perfectly tailored black suit.

The sound of overlapping voices filled the large room. The party was held in a big, beautiful building which was the definition of breathtaking architecture.

Y/N had always found loud crowds and social situations difficult as she, like many, had her struggles with anxiety. Tom knew about that and made an effort to stay by her side at places like these, he truly cared about her and Y/N knew that, but what she didn't know; is that Tom was absolutely in love with her but he simply didn't know how to tell her.

Tom turned to Y/N, looking down at her "Are you alright?" She absolutely adored that British accent of his, it's so unique and doesn't sound quite like all the others, she also found it to be rather arousing, which he of course didn't know.

She gave a small nod, smiling warmly "I'm all good, thanks. I want some of that champagne though." Her eyes shifted to a waiter with a tray of champagne in hand, his eyes followed hers. "Ah. I'll go get us each a glass." He glanced at her to make sure she was alright and walked off through the crowd towards the waiter.

Y/N looked around, appreciating how much of a privilege it was to be there, with all those people, with Tom.

Suddenly, she felt a hand brush against her waist, it couldn't be Tom, he went in the opposite direction.
She spun around and a dark haired man was glaring directly into her eyes with a smirk on his face "Hello beautiful. What's a pretty girl like you doing standing alone at a party like this?" He brushed her face softly, she immediately felt alarmed, this was just far too straightforward for her and didn't make her feel safe at all.

"U-Uh I'm not alone," she forced a polite smile onto her face. "M-My friend is.. uh-," she looked around, where was Tom?! She couldn't locate him. She told herself that she was absolutely fine and that she could handle being alone at a party, despite the pit of anxiety opening up in her stomach.

"No, No. It's okay," the stranger tilted his head, grinning "Nothing wrong with being alone. In fact, it's a good thing, 'cause now ya' have me." He took her hand, holding it concerningly tight.
"I'm Javier. Remember that name, you'll be screaming it later." His face was getting closer and closer to hers and that was it, now she truly wanted to scream or run away.

"S-Sorry I have to uh," She tried to turn and make an escape but he grabbed her arm roughly enough to bruise, making her yelp, he leaned in for a kiss and then.. Tom. Tom was standing in between them.

"Hello." He glared down at Javier, standing over him like a tower, his face dark and serious. "Heyy.." Javier chuckled softly.
"Is there a problem here?" He glanced at Y/N then back at Javier. "No, No. I was just making sure she was okay, as she was alone." Javier took a step back. Tom gave a small nod "Yeah Yeah," He handed the two glasses of champagne to Y/N. "How about we go have a little chat, hm?" Tom didn't wait for an answer before roughly grabbing the back of Javier's neck, leading him out of sight.

Tom led him into a small room where nobody would see them. "What's your name?" Tom clenched his jaw "Javier, and you?" He was trying to get out of the situation by acting polite.
Tom ignored that question "Hm," Tom suddenly punched Javier square in the face, making blood flow from his nose. He grabbed Javier by the chin, forcing him to make eye contact. "Listen Javier, if you ever so much as think about that woman again, I give you my word; I'll find you and I'll f--king kill you. Got it?"
Javier nodded, looking up at Tom fearfully. "Go." Tom let go of him, pointing to the door, he watched Javier run away and out of the building.

Tom casually made his way back through the crowd to Y/N, he held her hand gently, looking down at her. "Are you alright? Do you want to leave? What happened?" He was extremely worried about her, she smiled softly. "Uh, well.. it was scary, but I'm.. alright. What did you do..?" She handed one of the glasses of champagne to him, he took a sip before answering. "Mm, well.... you definitely won't be hearing from him again." He grinned, rather proud of himself.
She frowned slightly, smiling "Tell meee!!" Tom laughed "well um, ehehe, Don't tell anyone about this but I might've punched him square in the face. Hopefully broke his nose, not 100% sure." He took a small sip of champagne, grinning.
She gasped, stared at him for a few moments, and then, she hugged him.
"Thank you." She whispered softly. "My pleasure." He placed his hand on the small of her back.

"You still seem to be a bit pale and shakey, would you like to go for a little stroll, get some fresh air?" He tilted his head, looking down into her eyes. "Yea, that would be nice." She smiled and followed him out the back entrance where there was a stunning garden.
"Awhh this is nice." She looked around, admiring the fairy lights hung up around the small round tables, the trees, the stars, the flowers. She rubbed her arms, the wind was extra chilly tonight.
"Ah," Tom took his jacket off and put it over y/n, a special sparkle in his eyes. "Here."
She sighed happily "Thank you." She slid her arms into the jacket which was far too big for her.

Tom cleared his throat "Y/N." She turned around, looking up at him. "I..uh," his tongue darted out to lick his lips. "I've been meaning to tell you something." He took a deep breath, stepping towards her and taking both of her hands in his, looking down into her eyes.
"I love you, Y/N." He watched and waited for her reaction, she took a few moments to process before smiling lovingly "I love you too, Tom." His face was full of pure happiness, he had finally confessed to her and it turned out exactly how he wanted.

He placed his hand on the side of her face, leaning down to place a firm kiss on her lips.

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