Chapter 4

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"1...2...3!", Jack counted.Both took a deep breath and put the boat away to swim to the surface. When they finally reached it, they took themselves a minute to steady their breathing again. Then they began climbing to the deck of the ship. Jack was the first, who reached it and held a hand out for Lilith, which she gladly took. He hoisted her up and pulled his pistol out. Lilith imitated the action with her sword. "Everyone stay calm. We're taking over the ship!", Jack announced. "Aye, Avast!", Lilith heard an unfamiliar voice behind her say. Everyone looked in the direction from where the voice came from. The girl saw a rather young man with brown hair, which reached his shoulders. She looked to Jack not knowing what to do. He only nodded to her, signalizing to not hurt the stranger yet. "This ship can not be crewed by two men." Gillette stated. "Excuse me?! Am I invisible to you?", Lilith asked as anger fills her senses. All the men from the Royal Navy started laughing, which only made her angrier. "Oh please, Woman are only there for good looking, doing chores and maybe bring a man his joy if you know what I mean." Lilith nearly exploded from the amount of anger she was experiencing. Jack, who saw that placed a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her, which was of little to no use. Suddenly Lilith's eyes turned black again and she could feel how her canines grew. The girl smelled the blood running trough the veins from the men on deck. Lilith sensed every little movement, and she got a better vision than with her normal eyes. She saw the anxious faces from the men, but she didn't feel bad about it she felt proud of herself. The little girl, who wasn't good for anything other than to look good had now a group of grown up soldiers scared of her. She felt so much stronger and more powerful than ever before. One of the soldiers tried his luck, aimed his pistol at her and pulled the trigger. But thanks to her new senses she turned and caught the bullet with her pointer finger and her thumb with ease only inches away from her face. She then walked over to the man, who now looked completely terrified. Lilith grabbed him harshly by the collar furthermore picked him easily up and let him hang trembling over the railing. "Really nice try but you definitely have to try harder to kill me!", she laughed. Her voice was slightly deeper than her normal voice and full of power. Jack was surprised to say the least from Lilith's appearance and the way she acts. Without sparing the trembling man a second look Lilith let go of him and let him fall into the blue waves, which crashed against the ship. "Still think I'm useless?", the girl smirked showing her now long sharp canines. The rest just stood there shocked for a while before they all sailed away from the Dauntless in one of the little boats as fast as possible. Lilith transformed back and immediately pointed her sword at the stranger's throat. "Who are you?!", the girl asked sternly. He swallowed hard before answering. "W-Will, Will Turner.", he anxiously stuttered out as he looked to Jack in hope, he would rescue him. "Let go of him, lass.", Jack calmly ordered as he walked to the wheel. She reluctantly let go of him and muttered a small "Aye, captain.". Jack had a tough time not to smile at this. She was obviously much stronger than him but still obeyed to him and trusted his decisions. Will sighed in relief as the sword left his throat unharmed. "You do know what pirates do with stowaways, do you?", Will now looked again terrified as the pirate continued, "so what is your excuse? I'm especially curious since you said you do not want to cross paths with pirates and now you tried to help two pirates commandeer a ship.". "I- They took Mrs Swann.", Will muttered. "Oh. So, there's a girl. And now you want to save her from the cruel pirates and play the hero to win the fair lady's heart?", Jack mocked, "Well in that case you will have to do it on your own. I see no profit in it for us.", he went on and put his arm around the girl's shoulders. Lilith looked at this point simply confused back and forth between the two men. "You know him?", She asked Jack puzzled, who only hummed in response scared that she would transform again if she knew the hole story. "Jack please I beg you- ", "It is still captain to you!", the girl interrupted him. "Lad, as I said I see no profit in it for me neither for Lilith. Means you can beg as much as you want, I won't help you, Savvy?", the pirate said sparing Will to ask again. "I do whatever you like if you help me. Please, I love her!", Will begged desperately. "Whatever I like?", Jack wondered out loud. "Yes!", Will instantly exclaimed. "Your name Will, that will be short for William I imagine. Good strong name. No doubt named after your father, right?", Jack asked. Will only answered with a puzzled 'Yes' "Alright welcome on board, young Mr. Turner. But if you don't obey, I will let Lilith do whatever she wants with you.", Jack smirked at the last part of their deal and Will swallowed again clearly scared of her but nodded anyway at the chance of rescuing the girl he loves more than anything in this world. Lilith didn't looked too pleased with their new crew mate but as always so far she respected the decision of the captain and trusted him. Jack tried to show Will something with a rope when Lilith saw something . "And here they come.", she informed the males, at that they both looked to the direction of the haven and saw the Interceptor sailing in their direction. "I hope your plan works.", Lilith said as she looked to her captain. "Thought you got nothing to lose?", Jack asked smirking at her. "Fair enough.", she said now smirking too. "Just keep to the plan and everything should be fine.", the captain reassured both Will and Lilith. Both of them nodded and everyone hid themselves. When the Royal Navy came on board of the Dauntless and searched for them the three all grabbed a rope and swung over on board of the Interceptor. Will and Lilith instantly began to cut all the ropes that bounded the two ships. When the men from the Royal Navy finally noticed that the three they searched for where currently on the Interceptor it was too late for them to come back over. One poor guy even fell into the sea  as he tried to swing back over. Jack shouted something but Lilith couldn't make it out since she was too busy with glaring at Will. She didn't trust him even if her captain did. Soon she found herself sitting next to Jack, who was standing at the wheel, sharpening her sword. "When I was a lad living in England my mother raised me by herself after she died I came out here looking for my father.", Will explains. "Is that so?", Jack asked not really interested in his life story. "My father, Bill Turner, back at the Dauntless it was only after you have learned my name that you agreed to help me since that's what I wanted I didn't press the matter. I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father.", Will explained further. Jack sighted and finally looked at Will. "I know him probably one of the few that knew him as William Turner. Everyone  else just called him 'bootstrap' or 'bootstrap Bill'.", Jack explained and walked away as Will disbelievingly 'bootstrap?' muttered. " Good man, good pirate. I swear you look just like him!", he went on. "Its not true!", Will exclaimed, "he was a merchant sailor. A good respectable man who obeyed the law!". Jack clearly annoyed by this turned quickly to face him again as he steered the ship. "He was a bloody pirate of scallywag!", Jack repeated. "My father was not a pirate!", he argued again as he drew his sword. Lilith looked up and watched every move closely as she held the handle of her sword in a tight grip. "Put it away, son. its not worth you're getting beat again.", the captain calmly stated. "You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight I'd kill you.", Will reminded him. "That's not much incentive for me to fight fair then, is it?", he responded. Out of sudden the captain turned the wheel harshly so that the mast pushed Will over the railing not before he dropped his sword on deck and if Will didn't grab onto it he would have fallen over board. "As long as you're just hanging there, pay attention! The only rules that really matter are these: What a man can do and what a man can't do- ", he cut himself of as he looked at Lilith, who glared at him, "And woman.", he quickly added and went on, " For instance you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't. The pirate is in your blood boy, so you'll have to square with that someday. Now me for example I can let you drown but i can't bring this ship into Tortuga with only me and Lilith, savvy? So-", he turned the wheel once again so Will landed harshly on the deck again and pointed the sword he dropped before at him, "can you sail under the command of a pirate", he flipped Will's sword so the handle was now pointing at him, "or can you not?", he finished as Will grabbed his sword again. "Tortuga?", Will repeated still laying on the floor. "Tortuga.", Jack confirmed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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