Chapter 2

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'To think I would stay here' Lilith thought.
Back in her dorm, Lilith only grabbed her knife and puts it in her right pocket. The eleven year opened her window and climbed out of it, from there she jumped on the roof across from her after that she slipped intentionally to the rain gutter and climbed down on it. She looked one more time back to see if anyone noticed her escape, luckily for her no one did. She walked along the road to an old house. The house was made of wood and not really big, but a good spot for hiding things, especially since someone made the rumor, that it was haunted.
She walked in it and to the living room. Lilith kneeled in front of the couch and got her bow and arrows from under it. The girl puts both of them on her back and went to the city center where always a mart was. On her way she saw a poster, it was about, that today is going to be a hanging from a pirate. Lilith raised her eyebrows and sighed, she was never a fan from hanging, she just didn't saw the point of it. "Hey, you!", Lilith turned only a bit to see that it was on from the Royal Navy. "Fvck.", she muttered, as she started to sprint down the street. She climbed on a near roof and from there, she saw the gallows, which were good 37 meters away from her current spot, where the pirate already stood. A rope around his neck. He got brown dreads, a red bandana, a dirty white shirt with a brown vest over it, brown pants and brown boots on. Lilith could swear she saw him saying 'Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow' when the announcer said his name and his crimes. She couldn't help but smile at his priorities. The girl only knew him from books and stories, but she didn't want him to die. If only half of what she heard and read about him was true then he shouldn't die, maybe he could even help her to run away. Lilith knew she had to be fast if she really wanted to save him. At that time the soldiers were also on the roof and ran towards her. The calls from them made all the people look to her and her chasers, even the pirate looked at her. Unfortunately that didn't stop the executioner from grabbing the lever and pulling it. Lilith jumped from the roof, on which she used to ran on and in between the two roofs the eleven year old aimed with her bow and arrow to the rope and let go, hoping she didn't miss, because if she missed she was going to be hanged too and couldn't help the pirate. Everything seemed to stop and everyone only watched the arrow, until it successfully cut the rope. The girl landed on the ground swung her bow back to her back and made her way to the pirate, in hope he would knew what to do. On her way she stole two swords one for herself and one for the famous Captain Jack Sparrow. When she finally made it to him, he sat clearly confused on the floor. However as she offered him a sword he gladly took it. Not a second later Lilith turned around and blocked an attack from one of the soldiers, it was strange, it was like she knew someone was going to attack her. She had always good reflexes but never once was it like that, but Lilith hadn't more time to think about it, because the girl was in a full sword fight with a soldier trying to stay as close to Jack as possible, somehow she got the feeling, that she could trust him. After all Lilith saved his life and risked her own. In the corner of her eye she saw that Jack gave his best at fighting, but it didn't had much use. There were far to many soldiers. Soon Lilith and Jack were both in iron chains. "I did know that you don't quite like following the rules, but freeing a pirate? I really thought you knew better.", Norrington said. She knew him a bit, because he often brought her back to the orphanage, when she ran away. Lilith just lightly shrugged her shoulders and responded "didn't got much to lose, did I?". Before anyone said something else, Lilith and Jack were brought to the prison. On the way no one spoke, until they were harshly thrown into a dirty cell. "Well, what do I call my savior?" The pirate showed his golden teeth, as he smirked. "My name is Lilith." She answered looking for a way to get out, but she gave up. "Not that I'm complaining, but why did you save me. I can't recall that I met you before."
"I don't really know.", Lilith spoke truthfully," I just thought it's not the right time for the famous Captain Jack Sparrow and I hate the concept of hanging or in general killing prisoners." Something about Jack made Lilith trust him and she felt somehow familiar with him, although she doesn't knew what it was, normally she can't trust anyone and no one felt like her family, especially a fearsome pirate that she only just met. "Thank you,luv." Their conversation goes a little further and they began to talk more about themselves.
"Your little rescue operation was quite impressive, you know, where did you learn that?", he asked interested. "Well, you don't have that much fun to do in an orphanage. I always found sword fighting and archery fascinating, so I started training myself, when I turned seven. It was also a good distraction from my parents.", she replied.
"You're an orphan?", Lilith sighed.
"Yes, my mother was murdered by my father, when I was six, since then I had to live in an orphanage. I don't have any other relatives."
The eleventh year old answered acting though but Jack saw the sadness in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, luv, do you want to talk about it?" "What?", Lilith asked confused.
"Well, you don't seem like a girl that talks with everybody about everything." Both of them were silent for a bit. "I really miss her. She didn't deserve to die, especially not because of the man she loved and trusted.", Lilith choked out. "I know, I'm so sorry.", he comforted. "Why be sorry. You weren't the one who killed her.", she managed to form a small smile, which he returned. " Why were you chased by soldiers back on the roof?", he asked not just because he was curious about the girl across from her, but also to distract her, he saw the pain in her eyes, when she talked about them. Lilith smirked. "I ran away.", the pirate thought it's best if he left the question with the answer he got. "Are the stories true?", Lilith asked after a while. " Which stories,luv?", the Captain asked. "That your Captain of the Black Pearl.". Jack sighed. "I was.", was the only thing he said. "May I asked what happened?", he smiled at how careful and polite she asked. "My first mate caused a mutiny, long story short he marooned me on a lonely island and sailed away with my ship." I'm sorry, Captain Sparrow.", Lilith stopped for a moment," how did you get from the island?". "Sea turtles, luv." Lilith gave him a confused look but didn't asked any further. After a while of silence she spoke again "You'll get your ship back. I'm sure of it!" " What makes you so sure?", He asked.
"Oh come on, you're Captain Jack Sparrow. You will find a way. I know it!", Lilith motivated him. Jack smirked and Lilith saw his golden teeth again. "Lilith?" Lilith looked a bit surprised, when he used her name but hummed in response anyway. "If we get out of here, will you do me the honor by joining my crew?" Jack asked hoping, that she would say yes. "I-I would really love to, but I never sailed before and don't want to be a burden for you or the crew." The girl replied looking at the floor. "You could never be a burden, luv." the pirate said as he put an arm around her shoulder. Instead of pulling away and slap the person, who was touching her, she snuggled closer to the pirate. "But of course, I can teach you what to do, if you want to work." He offered. "You would?", the eleventh year old questioned. "Aye luv, think about it. Being a pirate means not only robbing silver and gold or killing and threatening people. Being a pirate is mostly about freedom, when you're a pirate you're free from anything.", Jack explained with passion from which Lilith had to smile a bit. "In that case my answer is yes. But how on earth will you get out of here?"
"I'm not sure yet, but somehow we will get out, don't you worry, luv.", the girl smirked again at how determined he was. "But to pass a little time we're not going to respond with yes, we're going to respond with aye, alright?" Jack stated "Aye, Captain!" Lilith answered"You're a fast learner, that's good!"
The two talked a little more, until the girl grew more and more tired. She fell asleep in Jack's arms. "Goodnight, luv, I promise you we will get safe out of here!" Jack smiled. Even if he only just met her, he liked her (!NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY!) and he knew she would be a good crew member. After a while he fell asleep too and slept quite a while, until they suddenly both heard unnaturally loud footsteps coming the stairs to the prison down.

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