Chapter 3

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After a while he fell asleep too and slept quite a while, until they suddenly both heard unnaturally loud footsteps coming the stairs to the prison down. Lilith automatically moved closer to Jack, who tightened his grip on her. A man, who's about 8ft tall. He got a brown thick beard and brown thick hair, which goes to his shoulders. He wore a brown long coat and a pink umbrella in his right hand. He stomped right to the cell where Lilith and Jack were sitting in. "Lilith?", the man asked, as he stands in front of the door   "Y-yes?", the girl choked out. Her heart was pounding so fast, that it hurts and she could have sworn that Jack could hear it. "What are you doing in here?", the man asked. "Who are you?", the girl asked ignoring his question and calmed a bit, when Jacks grip on her tightened even more. "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds in Hogwarts. I came to give you this letter. Must say you were good hidden down here in Port Royal.", he said, as he pulled out an old looking letter with a red wax seal. Lilith stood up and slowly walked over to the metal bars. He gave her the letter trough them. 'Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry' she read on it. "That's supposed the be a joke, right?", Lilith asked. Jack came up behind her and read the same as she did before. "No, you're a witch, Lilith.", Hagrid said. "I'm a what?", she asked not believing the man in front of her. "A witch. Did never happen something you couldn't explain, when you were angry or sad?"
The eleven year old stood there for a moment and thought about the time, when suddenly the hair of a girl set fire. Back then she was in the cafeteria from her orphanage. Lilith sat alone like always in the last row. In front of her sat a group of girls. One of them always thought she was better than anyone else. She always talked bad about others and treated her friends badly. On this particular day she spoke extra loud, to be sure everyone including Lilith could hear her. She first made fun out of Lilith but as she brought her mother in, Lilith lost it. Suddenly the girls hair was on fire. Her eyes turned completely black and her canines grew. But soon the screams from the students and the teachers pulled her out of her trance, her eyes and canines were back to normal. Luckily everybody was to busy with the girl and nobody saw Lilith's transformation. "Lilith?", Hagrid asked pulling her out of her thoughts. "You're parents were wizard and witch too, you know?", Hagrid said. "What?", she asked not believing him once more," they never told me that.", Lilith finished sadly. "Oh, I'm sure they had their reasons.", he tried to make her feel better. Jack still sat in the back of the cell and just listened to the conversation. "But what by Merlins beard are you doing in a prison and we're are your parents?", the eight foot tall asked. "My... my parents are dead and I tried to rescue Jack but turned out that it didn't work out how I wished it to be.", the girl explained shortly. "Well, I personally think it worked pretty well, luv.", Jack spoke the first time since Hagrid is there. "D-did you hear all of that?", Hagrid asked now clearly nervous. "I uh, maybe?", it sounded more like a question than an actual reply. " I'm really sorry but looks like I have to oblivate you.", Lilith swore she heard a bit sadness in his voice. "To what?!", they both asked at the same time. "To oblivate. Means I will cast a quick spell on him and you will forget what happened here. It won't hurt but we have to hide our abilities from muggles. Means non magic people.", he explained after he saw the confused faces from both of them. "No!", Lilith cried out. "I'm sorry, Lilith, but that are the rules.",Hagrid responded. "I support Lilith's side.", the Captain threw in. "If you want to hex him you have to hex me first and I will not go anywhere. I stick to my Captain!", Lilith stated. " I feel deeply honored but may I ask how you planed to get out of here?", Jack responded. With that Hagrid pointed his umbrella at the lock from the cell door. Suddenly there came sparks out of the tip and the lock exploded. Jack and Lilith both jumped back and we're speechless. Hagrid tried to open the door but when he touched it, it flew from the anchoring and landed on the ground in front of the feet from Lilith and Jack. Lilith shrieked and jumped right into the Captain's arms. "Oh, didn't want that to happen.", the half giant murmured surprised. Not long after three soldiers came running the stairs down, probably alarmed from the loud thud the door had made. But before they could have done anything Hagrid shoot another spell and they were petrified and fell to the ground, just like the door before. Lilith and Jack stated wide eyed at what just happened. "Come on, Lilith. I need to explain you a few more things.", Hagrid said. "I'm not leaving without him. Even if he doesn't want me as a crew member anymore. I'm not thinking of leaving him here!", the girl stated. Hagrid looked frustrated between the door to freedom and the two of them. He muttered a small ,"fine", and grabbed both by their arm and disapparated them out of the prison. Lilith saw that they were under a bridge by the haven. Around them were a few boxes and barrels so it was hard to see them. " Lilith I need you in front of the leaky cauldron in London on the first of September at 8am and you have to promise that the muggle doesn't say a word about magic!", the 8ft tall said. "I swear to the pirate code I won't tell a soul!", Jack answered as he held on hand to his chest and the other in the air. "Good.", Hagrid said, looking curiously at the Captain, "here's a map from London. Could be helpful for you. See you then.". "But wait, how am I supposed to come to London?", Lilith looked up from the map in her hands, when she didn't got an answer to see that Hagrid disappeared. "No problem, luv, we just need a ship and then we sail to Tortuga for  crew and rum. And after that I can drop you of in London.", Jack explained. "You still want me as a crew member?", the girl asked clearly a bit nervous. "Of course, luv, why shouldn't I?", at that point confusion was written on his face and he tried to think why he shouldn't want to her as a crew member anymore but couldn't get an answer from himself. "Well, since I'm a witch. I thought-" "don't you dare think something like that. I think it's a great accomplishment, which could be useful for us.", he cut her off, "and for now we have to comandeer a ship, luv.". The girl nodded and he pulled her nearer to the haven and explained her his plan. "So let me get this we put one of the boats over our head walk under water to the HMS Dauntless climb on it and steal it?", the girl asked not believing the pirate that he's serious with his plan. "We comandeer the ship!", Jack answered kind of annoyed. "This is madness!", she stated. "Before we do this how much do you hang on your life?", he asked ignoring her last sentence. "I don't care if I die I've got nothing to lose.", she replied. " Good then we don't have to worry.", the pirate said relieved, "Ok, then let's go.", was the last thing Lilith heard before Jack took her hand and sneaked to the boats. Both hid there for a minute not really want to be caught, before they heaved the boat over their heads and ran in the water. Soon they were meters under the water surface walking to the Dauntless, with their heads still above the water. "Still think it's mad, luv?", the pirate smiled. "It is! But somehow brilliant at the same time.", Lilith stated surprised. "Well I'll take that as a complement.", Jack smiled looking slightly over his shoulder to her, "but we're not done yet, savvy?". Savvy!", she smiled back. "Alright, we're here. Now we just swim to the surface and climb on top of the ship, savvy?", he explained to make sure she knows what the plan is. "Aye, Captain!", she answered. "I like how you put everything I taught you in use.", he smirked showing his gold teeth. "Want to leave a good impression, savvy?", she said pronouncing savvy extra and jack smiled even wider at the word. "Oh, You already have, luv.", Lilith smiled once again a little. "Ready?", the Captain asked. "Ready!"Lilith replied determined. "1...2...3!", Jack counted.

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