Bitter Taste of Defeat S2 E13

Start from the beginning

Readjusting my bow, I turned around, arrow ready to be released, only to be extremely surprised by the sight in front of me. Balinor had come after all. He stood there in front of us, a small smile on his face as he looked at the three of us and the weapons in our hands.

"Careful, boy," Balinor said, his eyes fixed on Merlin. We all lowered our bows and swords and looked at Balinor with wide eyes. "I thought you might need some help. This is a dangerous country."

"You'll return to Camelot?" Arthur asked, hope evident in his voice.

"You were right, Merlin," Balinor said, once again looking at Merlin. "There are some in Camelot who risked their lives for me. I owe a debt that must be repaid."

"If you succeed in killing the dragon, you will not go unrewarded," Arthur assured him while I gave Merlin a smile.

"I seek no reward," Balinor chuckled humourlessly.

"Great. Let's eat," I suggested with a smile. But then I had an even better idea. "Merlin, do you want to go with Balinor to collect some wood for the fire. Arthur and I will go find something to eat."

A knowing look filled Merlin's eyes as he gave me a small smile and a nod. Balinor nodded to both Arthur and me before he left with Merlin to an upper part of the hill where the driest wood would most likely be.

"Don't you notice something familiar about that guy?" Arthur asked me as we walked away from the others and towards a stream to hopefully find some fish.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He seems familiar. Almost like I've seen him before," Arthur elaborated.

I knew what he meant. I wasn't sure how to describe it but there was a strange similarity between Balinor and Merlin. They didn't look much similar so it couldn't be that but there was definitely something.

"I guess," I shrugged. "But then again, we have known a lot of people."

Nodding in agreement, Arthur and I stopped by a stream and kept our eyes out for fish then using the limited skill we had in the area of catching fish with swords and arrows, we attempted to round up enough for the four of us. One fall into the water later, we returned to the camp triumphant, Arthur still damp from his fall, something I was never going to let him live down.


Third Person POV

The sunset soon enough and they had only the warmth of the simmering flames to keep them warm from the cold night. Arthur had been quick to fall asleep in his chosen spot and had urged the others to do the same but no one had really listened. Instead, Chelsea and Merlin stayed up longer listening to some of Balinor's previous Dragonlord adventures. But as the excitement of the day began to wear away, Chelsea got up from the safety of the fire and picked up her cloak.

"Might need this tonight," Chelsea commented, wrapping it around herself. "I'm glad you joined as Balinor. I don't think we'll ever be able to repay you."

"No payment is necessary," Balinor assured the Princess with a small smile.

Nodding with a smile, Chelsea went to walk away but was stopped when the young Warlock said her name.

"Here. Take this," Merlin said, handing Chelsea his jacket. "You'll need it more than I will."

"I appreciate the thought Merlin but I seriously doubt that'll be the case. I have a cloak already. You don't need to freeze for me," Chelsea told him, hoping that her answer was neutral enough that Balinor didn't notice anything.

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