Chapter 12 The Party...

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3rd person pov

It was exactly 31st of October the day of the party it was a Friday night so people were able to party hard and have Saturday and Sunday to recover. The party started at 8 pm and guess what it was 8 pm, Bad put on his hoodie and ripped black jeans his costume wasn't flashy or anything big and he was happy about that all that he was happy for was to get invited to the party.

He was still a bit concerned since he hasn't talked to Skeppy since the haunted house and he wanted to ask him some questions but in the meantime he was walking to Dream's house where the party was located at.

Bad stood in front of the door trying to shake off his nerves as right when he was about to open the door he heard someone yell his name "BAD!", Bad quickly turned around to see one of Skeppy's friends.

"Oh your Zelk right?" Bad noticed him as he always sat with them at the lunchroom but he never talked not even once. Bad was surprised to see him in a rush and to see he wasn't in costume either. "Yes! That's me, look I don't have much time and I don't really think you have time either but besides this party being a good way for Dream and his friends to get more popular, its a setup, its a set up for you, they are trying to do something horrible so please let me explain"

Bad had a shook looked in his face and then laughed. "I'm Sorry but a setup? Skeppy has been all then nice towards me and his friends so that's kind of hard for me to believe that and what are they gonna expose me to? I have nothing to hide" Bad laughed

"This is serious! It's either you want your entire high school life to be ruined or you want it to be saved" Zelk said as he tried to reason with the poor boy. "Look you aren't making any sense what if we talk about it more inside," Bad said.

"Are you even reading the room right now man?! Why do you think I'm not wearing an outfit? Its because they specialty told me NOT to come and if I did who knows what will happen"

Bad took moment to speak again as he walked where Zelk is "So then what's so horrible that is gonna ruin my life" Bad said sarcastically. Zelk took a deep breath "He knows your Pansexu-"

Immediately Skeppy comes out of the corner "HEYYY guysss what you doinggggg and oh uh Zelk I herd your little sister crying from your house you should go check if she's doing okay" Skeppy informed Zelk

"Oh you bitch" Zelk said as he starts running to his house as that was the last time we saw him for the night.

"So Bad so glad to see you can make it!" Skeppy says 

BadBoyhalo's POV

"Yes of course how could I not show up?" I said. I looked at Skeppy as he looked like he was angry and sure was breaking a sweat but besides that Skeppy was wearing an angle costume with a black halo, very ironic.

Skeppy walked me in the house as there were teenagers doing dumb stuff as usual. "Here's where the party at, its basically the living room the only rules dream asked is to try not to break anything and don't go to his parent's room basically common sense but I really doubt you will do any of that so there is no need to worry oh and stay only in the living room on that couch right there," Skeppy said as he pointed to the couch that was near the Tv, the tv was playing some sports that im not very into but it seems like everyone else is into.

I sat down as Skeppy went to go welcome the new people who just walked in, I sat down awkwardly not knowing what to do. Suddenly I feel the pressure of someone else sitting down beside me I look to the next to me to see a blond-haired girl wearing a Lio costume. "Oh cute costume!" I said to her

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