Chapter 17 Restart

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Skeppy's POV

"Skeppy I played a game and I won! You're nothing but a chess piece in my game

Bad said as he laughed the entire time. 

I was speechless the man who I thought was the kindness, innocent person in the world turned out to be the master of manipulation. Karam really knows how to bite people in the ass.

"So just then when I went to Niki's house she was lying?" I asked. "Yup!" 

"That bitch who knew she was an actor," I said as I had my two hands over my face regretting everything.

"Look dude I'm really sorry," I said

"Sorry, won't do it," Bad said as he took a sip of his watermelon flavor monster. "Then what will?" I asked

Bad laughed "You really don't know? Look I shouldn't be the one you should ask to redeem your trust back if anything it should be that lame group of yours. You should start there then go to me and Niki but you got the whole summer to do that so, for now, it's a goodbye for me and Niki" Bad said.

"But I don't want to go back to that group they suck," I said. 

"That's not my problem, isn't it? That seems like you problem" Bad said

"But-" I tried saying but Bad cut me off. 

"If you knew they were a bad friend group then why did you stay with them for that long? Come on tell me you knew all this time and don't act like I don't see through you, you only stayed with them because they were popular and you wanted your egotistic self to be on top of everyone, and once you lose all your friends and oh look! It's happening right now, you go to other 'friends' and beg for your forgiveness. When will you learn not everyone wants to be your friend once you try and I see you trying MAYBE I'll consider talking to you but for right now its a goodbye"

I swallowed my tears back as Bad opened his door and went inside leaving me outside in complete shock. He was right he always has been right why am I so stupid.

Summer is almost here just one more month I want a restart. I just want to apologize to everyone I know it's gonna be hard but I'm determined.

I went home in dread. I want to restart a good restart, not a bad restart a restart where I'm finally myself. I open my phone to check my grades they were all D's and C's I need to hurry up and do my late work I only have one month. I quickly opened my laptop which felt like ages I was missing two really big projects from English those projects can quickly bump my grade to a B- hopefully, still a passing grade.

I set my alarm it was 10 pm hopefully when it was 3 am I would complete both of them sure I'll get points off for turning it in late.

3:24 AM

Well only 24 mins late than I wanted it to be but I still got it done. I sighed as I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling as I read

"GO TIGERS GO!" It was a poster for our school football team that I got kicked off of because of the video I can't blame them though. I ripped the poster and put it in the trash can. I took a look at what I was wearing in the mirror it was your typical football jacket that you see in every movie I took it off and put it in the trash can.

I open my closet to see my old guitar I still don't know how to play it, it's just there I only bought it because I wanted to look cool I guess I'm a poser. It was a bright yellow maybe a bit too bright I got my black paint and started to paint over the yellow.

After I finished painting it I hung it up on the wall. I go back in the closet to see types of vinyl records, my mom used to collect them and when she passed I ended up with them but I never played or do anything with them.

I took another second to think then I looked at my guitar maybe I could hang them up? Yeah, that would look cool as hell.

I think that's enough re doing for right now as I checked the time it was 4:32 am I should head to bed before I hate myself in the morning.

Word Count 763

c h a r a c t e r  d e v e lo p m e n t

if you're wondering what his room looks like later on, this is what I'm going for

if you're wondering what his room looks like later on, this is what I'm going for

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