I Get a Cool New Sword and Watch Someone Turn to Glitter

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Thanks for reading this book, it's my first Percy Jackson book ever. It may be really similar to the original, but I've tried to add in a few stuff of my own. Also, the updates will probably be slow, but the chapters will be long, around 4000 - 5000 words. 


Okay, before you start reading this, I need you to know, I'm a half-blood. If you think you're one too, close this book right now, keep your head down and try to lead a normal life.

Why am I saying this? Because being a half-blood is not easy. I'm not exaggerating. It can get you killed in nasty ways.

See, half-bloods smell different, and no, I bathe twice a day, so I smell more than fine. What I mean to say is, half-bloods smell different to monsters.

Yes, I said monsters.

So, like I said before, if you think you're a half blood, lead a normal life unless you want to be lunch for a minotaur.

Still here? Okay, your choice, go ahead.

My name is Gloria. Gloria Hawthorn. I'm twelve years old, and a few months ago, I studied in Yancy Academy, a private boarding school for troubled kids.

Am I a troubled kid?

Well, no. I like to think of myself as unique, but since some people don't really appreciate that, yes, you could say that I'm a troubled kid.

My life was going well. I got up early every day, did some school work, had breakfast, got ready for school, and walked to each of my classes obediently. The last one year of my life went past exactly like this, and I thought I was doing pretty well for a girl kicked out of six schools.

See, things happened when I was around and angry. And I mean things like thunderstorms, and people getting struck by lightning. Oh, and also me being able to fly (sorta). I get why the teachers suspected me. I was always at the scene of crime, untouched.

The police, of course, couldn't arrest me, I was way too young, but I did get suspended six times. Yancy was my last chance before I went to summer camp. And I wasn't planning on going there.

Anyways, where was I? Right, today was a field trip to the Museum of Art or something. We were going to see all these super old Greek and Roman stuff. Normally, I would have complained, but Mr. Brunner was leading this field trip, so I had my hopes up.

Mr. Brunner was this middle-aged guy in a wheelchair. He had thinning brown hair and a short beard. He wore a tweed jacket for most of his Latin classes. He may not seem that cool, but he told us stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Greek armor and weapons, so his was the only class that didn't put me to sleep.

I prayed with all my heart that the trip would be normal, and I wouldn't get in trouble and get suspended.

As usual, I was wrong.

I sat next to Grover Underwood and Percy Jackson, my best friends, on the way to the city, and glared at the school bully, Nancy Bobofit, when she threw chunks of her PB & J sandwich at him.

Grover was a scrawny kid. And he also cried when he got frustrated. He must've been held back many grades because he was the only sixth grader with the start of a wispy beard on his chin. He also had this muscular disease in his legs, excusing him from PE for the rest of his life. He limped when he walked, as though every step hurt him, don't let that fool you, though, you should've seen him run when it was enchilada day in the cafeteria

Gloria Hawthorn - A Percy Jackson x Reaer storyWhere stories live. Discover now