Chapter 4:The Movies

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Nobody's POV:

After school the quads,y/n and Mea went back home. Mea went back to take her clothes same as y/n. Y/n took out her suite case and pack some clothes for her to bring to the Harper's.

After she finished packing she went it the Harpers house. When she entered Nicky immediately pulled her the his room

(Let's pretend they have their own rooms)

Y/n giggled cause of Nicky's cuteness.

After she unpacked her and Nicky went doll down stairs and everybody was waiting for them.

They all started to walk to the movie theater.
When they arrived they bought tickets for a scary movie cause that wa stage online movie available at that time. They also bought snacks. Nicky and Y/n shred popcorn cause y/n could not finished a whole bucket herself.

They renter the movie theater and sat in their sit. Y/n was sat next to Nicky's. Right side on Nicky's left side was Dicky and beside ducky's was Ricky than beside Ricky was Dawn than beside Dawn was Mea.

The movie was ok until it had a jump scare. Nicky saw that y/n was closing her eyes so he puts his arm around her. When another part of the story came u/n hid her head into Nicky's chest. (Idk but the cinema in my country if the normal one you can like pull up the hand rest) for the rest of the movie y/n's head was in Nicky's chest. Nicky smiled to himself.

His siblings and Mea smirked at him but he return back with a glare.

When to movie ended y/n was fast asleep.

Nicky: Bubs wake up

Y/n:Uh is the movie over. (While rubbing her eye)

Nicky:Yup come one let's go home and eat dinner.

Y/n: Okie

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