Going beyond..

19 3 1

Elaina POV-
I wake up Saturday morning remembering that I haven't asked my parents if I could go over to Hayes's tonight. So I climb out of bed wash my face, brush my teeth, and put my hair up, then head down stairs.
"Hey Mom, can I go over to a friends house tonight?"
Just like any mom would do she responded with,
"Go ask your Dad."
This is when it gets tricky.. My dads very protective, and when he finds out I'm asking to go over to a boys house that he has never met.
"Hey Dad, can I go over to a friends house tonight?"
"What time?"
"My friends"
"Who's your friends?"
And here's when the daddy drops a bomb of no.
"He's a boy I'm guessing?"
"Yes, but a nice boy."
"Does your mom know about this?"
"Yes dad. Can I go or not?"
"Well.. I know this is out of my confront zone but yes you may go. But you have to come home tonight, no sleepovers."
Wow that really happend?
"Thank you so much dad."
Dads POV-
"Honey, do you know this Hayes boy?"
"No, but Elaina seems to be interested in him."
"Well maybe I should meet the boy, before she goes over to his house. And do we even know if there's going to be a parent there with them?"
"I agree with you. We need to meet him, before she goes to his house."
Elaina POV-
Yay! I'm so excited. I might be able to finally leave this house free of parents. I need to text Hayes and tell him it's official I'm coming.
*parents open door*
"Uh hey Mom, and Dad?"
"Hi sweetie. Listen, this Hayes boy? We don't know him. And I don't think that we are comfortable with you going over to his house when we don't know anything about him, or his parents. We're sorry."
Wow. Thanks a lot. Thanks for getting my hopes up for nothing.
"I can introduce you guys to him. He's very sweet, and I was really looking forward to this. And besides, I'm 15. I haven't been out of the house alone yet. And that needs to change, because I'm tired of getting baby sat all day."
"We know, and we're sorry. But we need to meet the boy first."
*parents leave.*
Ugh. When am I ever going to have a regular teenage life. I decide to text Hayes and tell him to come over right now.
"Ya I can, but why? Haha" Hayes responds
"Because my parents want to meet you before I go over to your house."
"Okay, I'll be over in 5."
Once I hear the front door open, I rush down stairs.
"Mom, Dad, this is Hayes."
"Hello Mr, and Mrs Williams." Hayes says smiling.
"Nice to meet you Hayes."
"You too."
After a while of talking, my parents agreed to let me go to his house. Hayes has his license, so he was able to drive me there.
Once we got in the car Hayes and I talked for the whole drive.
"Phew, I'm glad I got that over with." Hayes starts off saying.
"Me too haha."
Once we got to his house, I noticed there was no adults there.
"Uhh Hayes, did you know you're parents weren't going to be here?"
"Yeah, they are at work."
"Oh, uh okay cool.."
Oh great. If my dad finds out about this, he's definitely not going to be happy. Hopefully he doesn't find out about this.. I'm not sure if I'm excited or worried. I want to be alone with Hayes, but at the same time, it's our first time being together out of school so I'm kinda scared he's gunna try to pull something.
"Um Elaina, are you there?"
"Yes, sorry."
"It's cool."
"So, we should go downstairs."
As we head down stairs Hayes is in front of me, and I couldn't help but stare at his biceps. I know I know, it's weird but they are nice. I was more focused on his arms than where I'm walking. I tripped on the stair and landed in Hayes arms. Oh my goodness, that did just not happen. Okay wow. He's adorable. We stared into each other's eyes for like 10 seconds when Hayes started to lean in. I leaned in too.
"Wait." I say pulling away.
"What?" Hayes said
"We aren't even dating.. This is the first time we hung out and I don't know. I want to so bad, but I just think we should wait, you know?"
"Yeah, I understand."

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