First Sight

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Elaina's POV-
As I walk into the classroom, I see a boy I've never seen before.
"Woah, who's that?" I ask Amber, my Best Friend.
He had bright blue eyes, with dark brown hair. He was very tall, and seemed very polite by the way he was opening the door for the the other class.
"Hayes, is his name. He's new, coming from Alaska. They say he's cold hearted." Amber says chuckling.
"I don't believe it." I say.
"Well, we'll find out won't we."
"Everyone stand at the back of the room while I assign you a seat." Says Mrs.Wilson.
"Elaina, you will be sitting by Hayes in the third row."
Well this will be an adventure. It might be a good thing, to get to know the hot, polite mystery guy. Did I really just think that? Wow..
Amber walks by with a smirk on her face, "Nice score there Elaina, have fun with that."
"Hey, my names Hayes. I guess you're my desk partner.?"
"Uh yeah, nice meeting you Hayes. I'm Elaina."
"I know, Mrs.Wilson just said that." Hayes says with a grin on his face.
God he's so cute. His eyes make you want to melt. And his hair, oh man. It's long and brushed over his forehead. He seems like the kind of guy that all the girls want. I like how I'm thinking that while all the girls are sitting there drooling all over there desks while probably daydreaming about being on top of that boy.
"Elaina, you there?"
Oh no. Snap out of it Elaina. Snap out of it.
"Elaina?" Hayes says laughing.
"Yeah, sorry. It was an early morning. The day dreaming's getting to me. Haha"
After getting out of that class, I felt like I had just walked into a classroom and sat there dreaming about a guy that has came down from heaven, that I will never have a chance with. Hmm, seems like something that I would do.
What did we even learn? I was sitting in there for 54 minutes, and didn't learn a single fact other than every single detail about Hayes face. Is this was creepers do?
"Hey Elaina, have you seen the new boy in town?" Caroline, another close friend of mine says.
"Who hasn't Caroline?"
"Oh I see, already fallin' for the new boy huh?"
"What? No. You can't fall for someone in the only 54 minutes you've none them."
"Sureee." Caroline says with an unsure tone in her voice.
Caroline sometimes annoys me. She thinks she knows everything. I don't know, she's a really close friend. But we all have that friend that we love, but drives us to the edge.

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