Goodness... this town.

Before he, or pretty much anyone could speak, Mabel began dragging him and Bill to what most likely would be, some uninteresting game with cute and fluffy prizes.

Or weaponry... She brought them to a game with weaponry prizes.

"Uh Mabs, you sure you want one of those-"

"Puh-lease Dipper! I already have a grappling hook! "

And with that, without defending himself, he just raised his hands and took a step back.

"Alrighty then."

"Thank you," she stated, turning on her heel and marched up to the blonde concession man.. Probably about to start flirting with him...eugh..

"Hey Pine Tree, what's that"

He looked over only to find Bill now wandering to the said place with his hand wrapped around his wrist.

"That's uh..." It came clearer in his vision as they neared the game," it's a water shooting game."


"Well you sit down, hold the watergun at try to aim the water at the target for a long as you can."

"Sounds boring."

"Everything here is boring."

"How about we do something fun then?"

As Bills voice got slightly deeper, he had spun the boy around to where they were now face to face.

"Like uh.. Like what.." He felt Bill run his gloves through his brunette locks. He slowly shut his eyes, trying not to lean into the touch.

Oh gosh how he wished Bill could do that forever.

"DIPPER! BILL! There you guys are! You left me at the game!"

"Oh! Uh um sorry sis..."

She looked at him, at Bill, and back at him. "You guys weren't like, in the middle of something-"

"OH heavens sake NO," Dipper felt the unwanted heat flooding to his face, "I uh, I need to go use the restroom! Yeah so I'll be back, later.."

He quickly scurried off to a part of the theme park that wasn't occupied. Taking a few deep breaths and looking around, finding his eyes particularly trained towards a strange light in the forest beside him.

"What the heck.."

The light began slowly flickering, and after a minute of staring at it, it started to fade. Dipper was not about to loose this mystery. So he followed, and followed, slowly stepping over large, dead branches and disgusting moss covered stones and into the unknown part of the forest.

Soon enough, he hadn't a clue where or which direction he'd come from...but that didn't matter now, did it?

Well now that he couldn't find the light, now it did.

He felt heavy breath on his neck..

...The ground felt way too moist to just be dirt..

...the dead branches came crawling up and around his legs.

"Fuck nonono this can't be happening not here not now.."

He tried to pry the branches off his dirt-covered jeans, but what he got instead was more twigs wrapping around his wrists in the process.

Gripping tighter and tighter around his arms and legs. Almost as unbearable as his vivid dreams.

So much like his dreams that he could almost feel the numbing cold droplets on his pale cheeks. The dark substance streaming to what would look like black tears.

Except, now that he thought about it, they were black tears.

His dream was slowly becoming reality.

"Holy shiz"

Suddenly the grip loosened, the dead branches falling to the grown an vanishing in a yellow glow. A familiar yellow glow.

"Get away from HIM."

Bills voice was dark, thick in his old, echoey accent. Had he come to save him?

Oh gosh this was too much like a damsel in distress soap-opera, way to go Dipper.

Once Bill saw that the danger was far gone, he gave the boy in his presence a furious glare.

"Now tell me Pine Tree. What was THAT."


"Forget it, I don't have time for this. Shooting Star and the other despicable human-being are waiting for you," he scooped the speechless Dipper up bridal-style and teleported to where the car was.


Mabel quickly came up to the two of them, examining all the dark bruises and scratches forming across her brothers skin.

"Pine Tree had a little misfortunate encounter in the forest. Let's get home."

And with out another word, the four of them drove back to the shack in silence. A threatening, terrible silence.

_____ _____ _____

Haha...And for all of you who want to know what Bill had changed into( the more casual outfit) just imagine him in some kind of cute sweater-vest with skinny jeans bc yeah... Who doesn't love the occasional sweater-vest on a Dorito?

Weirdos that's who

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