Chapter One

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"Hizashi..." The blonde grinned, pushing Shouta forward and towards the classroom. "Oh come on! It's just a little meet-and-greet! They won't even recognise you!" Shouta dug his heels into the carpet, turning a glare to his best friend; not that he'd admit it.

Shouta would do anything for the blonde, and he knew that. They'd been together since the beginning of high school, and together they'd suffered and got through it. What Shouta didn't want to do, on his enforced only day-off, was sit in a room full of snotty little brats while the Voice Hero acted his stupid self to please them and inspire the next generation.

In his opinion, this was wrong. These were kids barely past the age of four, some who may not have had their Quirks set in yet, and some who can't control. Sure, they needed a goal, but it wouldn't be reachable for everyone. They were going to single out the kids who could be a Hero and give them a false sense of superiority, which would probably be taken out on the weaker kids.

Plus, they were snotty brats who were most definitely going to climb over him at one point.

Hizashi whined, crossing his arms and pouting. Pouting. The audacity. 

Shouta's hand clenched in his pocket as he refused the will to give in - he was a sucker for that look. On anyone, and Hizashi knew! "Come on Sho! Please! It's just an hour, what's the worst that could happen? And their tots! They're not even going to know you're in the room!"

Raising an eyebrow, Shouta let the silence hang in the air for a minute. Well, it wasn't silent; he could hear the muffled scream of the kids in the room just ahead of them. Eventually, he dragged his hand down his face, fastening some of his hair in front in an attempt to hide.

A hand swatted his down, forcing the hair back towards his ears as Hizashi grinned. The man knew he had won, it didn't have to be said. Onyx eyes zoned in on the lowered setting in the half-hidden Hearing Aid, a flush of mocked anger ran through him, and he reached to tap just above the ear.

"That gets turned up. I'm not listening to them while you get a free trip." 

Laughing, Hizashi turned them up, looking to the room in slight surprise before straightening, looking in the hand held mirror (that he'd forced the Underground Hero to hold up) and frowning at a stray baby hair, soothing out the extreme cut.

Shouta sneered. "Your hair is ridiculous." Hizashi grinned. "You say that every time you see it. Now! Time to meet some Tots!"

He winced as they knocked, walking into the room with a loud scream. That was from Hizashi. Shouta was mildly proud, it was well kept and not even using his Quirk. The man had learned more self-control than the last time he entered a room of kids.

Let's just say, his publicity was low for a few weeks and the next lot of meetings were done in an outside area. Immediately, he was surrounded by a swarm of children, all chattering aimlessly. Moving against the wall, Shouta scowered the room.

It was a plain classroom, a few drawings up and times tables on the back wall. Beneath that was a desk facing the wall, a single boy still sat at, hunched over a presumed drawing. His hair was curly and untamed, hanging in a pathetic loose low ponytail. There was a mix of dark green and black curls, tangled together and greasy. He was small, and as Shouta got closer he saw freckles plastered over his face, a few running over the back of his hands.

He wasn't sure why he approached, maybe it was the way his uniform was scruffily put on, or the way he rubbed his arm occasionally, turning back every so often to look at Hizashi in awe. 

"Mind if I join you?" The kid looked up, green orbs sparkling in curiosity as he nodded, licking his lips. Shouta grunted slightly as he sat on the small plastic chair, craning his neck to see what the kid was doing.

Contrary to what he originally thought, the boy was not drawing aimlessly. Instead, he had an open journal, lines of messy (but surprisingly organised for a four year old) handwriting and a scribbled, yet well designed, drawing of a Hero.

A smart kid.

"You a fan of Heroes?" His cheeks reddened as he nodded frantically, eyes widening even more. "Yeah! I love Heroes! I'm going to be a Hero one day! Me and Kacchan are going to be the best Heroes!" Shouta raised an eyebrow, nodding. "Is that so?" A nod.

Shouta had to admit, the kid was adorable. His words were rounded, extra syllables where they weren't needed and a slight lisp that may have been a result of the front missing tooth. Shouta looked to where Hizashi was, a hoard of kids around him, and back to the boy.

"Do you know who that is?" He nodded again. "Yeah! That's Present Mic! He's amazing! I listen to his radio show when Ma'am lets us put the radio on and once my Mama took me to see him! It was so cool!" 

He suddenly paled, gaze snapping to Shouta as he stumbled over his words. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude! I'm Izuku Mid- wait, Izuku! Who're you?!" His eyes were sparkling in curiosity, an adorable little tilt to his head that made him look like a kitten. 

"Shouta Aizawa. Why don't you go and say hello to Mic?" Izuku looked at the crowd of kids, rubbed his arm a little, before shaking his head and turning back to his journal with slightly glossy eyes. "No, Kacchan won't like it. Besides! I'm so close to finishing my an-al-yse!"

And just like that, Shouta's previous point was proven. He didn't question any further, but instead tried to read some of the notes. His eyes widened, breathe escaping him as he read more and more. Sure, the analysis wasn't professional level, and it probably wasn't the best in one of Hizashi's classes - but as someone who'd read them, it certainly was not the worse.

"Damn kid, this is impressive. Did you do this all yourself?" He flushed deep red, looking at the page and fiddling with the corner. "Ye-Yeah, you don't think it's - it's creepy?" Another red flag. Keeping his expressions and mannerisms neutral, Shouta shook his head. "No, I think it's impressive."

Green eyes welled with tears, and Shouta's body moved on it's own. He reached forward, ruffling his curly hair. "I'm friends with Present Mic, y'know." The tears stopped, eyes widening in awe as he clapped his hands. "You are?!" He nodded, eyes roaming to the Teacher who seemed to be glaring at the kid. "I am."

As much as Shouta hated it; the kid had grew on him. Horrifically too much.


I hope you guys enjoyed!

Let me know your thoughts and feelings to this! I'll try and keep an regular update, unlike my other books - oops.

But I'm working on it!!

Until next time! My Little Disappointments!

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